Nitro Turbo
A sonic fan guy !
IGN gived sonic forces 6.5 as good :)
i opened this thread because many fans think that sonic forces is bad and trash game
i still don't play the game but i see how gameplay looks great with nice graphics and levels ! well short but still fun
i like too how eggman empire took all the world and the resistance must stopped them ! the story is really interresting ! i love too Infinte and the phantom ruby
So what do you thing about this game ?
i opened this thread because many fans think that sonic forces is bad and trash game
i still don't play the game but i see how gameplay looks great with nice graphics and levels ! well short but still fun
i like too how eggman empire took all the world and the resistance must stopped them ! the story is really interresting ! i love too Infinte and the phantom ruby
So what do you thing about this game ?