Actually, at the prodding from some other staff, let me be a little more specific about this. Double-posting, so this is a little more visible.
I really, really dislike content-less opening posts. The idea of starting a topic is to actually foster a conversation with other people, and to do so, you need to put forth something of particular note, be it an opinion ("God, I hate Stardust Speedway 3; those hills are a pain in the ass to overcome, and I keep ending up fried by Eggman's laser!") or some particularly notable and informative facts about the game ("Did you know that this game has two soundtracks, because Sega of America didn't think the US would "get" the J-Pop style that the original release had, and instead added a rock-style soundtrack?"), ideally to lead into a question ("Considering that, which soundtrack do you guys prefer?") which the OP supplies his own answer to so people have something to compare to ("Personally, I actually really like the US soundtrack; Stardust Speedway Bad Future is the bee's knees, and single-handedly makes the soundtrack for me!"). While the discussion will probably meander from there (provided it's still pertinent to the central theme of the topic), at least you've given us something to talk about, and contributed to that directly. To do any less is basically to demand everyone else make your topic for you, and is rather lazy.
You definitely tried with the neck thing, admittedly. It's just... I'm not sure how far you can really go with that. So he has a neck for one frame. Okay? Where am I supposed to take the discussion from there? It's not the worst topic start I've ever seen, but I don't think it's strong enough to carry a conversation.
So that's why I locked the topic, this time. Given those criteria I've put forward (which admittedly I'm still kinda fuzzy on, beyond
"I know it when I see it", but this is at least something more concrete), you can definitely try again, and see where this goes.