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Sonic Adventure 3: Revenge of the Eggmen

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I've got Paint Shop Pro 8 if you want me to convert any images. It supports a very wide range of file formats, even compared to Photoshop (And yes, it opens .psd files too).
Uhhm, yeah.

This is too hardcore for my tastes, sorry, I like a game that I don't get pwned in on the first level. X_X
Roboashura said:
But it's Shareware, and I need admin privelidges to install it....I'll try to convince my mom.

i had the same problem. i have a program, a demo anyway
Well as I've said in another topic somewhere else, I'm not really one of the insane pros like the oldbies at this messageboard. :P But if it's this difficult on just the first map, it's clearly going to be very frustrating for players and you can count out a download from me. I like a challenge every once in a while but that map was made to frustrate you more than anything else. :\
Actually, it's meant to be a sort of "final level," because in the story, Sonic prepares to defeat Eggy, but fails. So it gets easier, just practise and you'll beat that level. BTW, what kills you, anyway? I'll help.
A level that is very frustrating is not a good level. A level that had clever tricks while putting a little linear play in will make a perfect map. If playing the level isn't very fun, it probly won't be fun for others.
I can tell right now i won't like this mod. Mostly cuz it resembles one of mine... i'm mostly wondering how he's gonna make it so when you die when fighting eggy, you 'beat the level'
I dunno yet....I might have someone do it for me, though. And don't worry, It'll resemble Sonic 2 if nothing else, it won't be completely factory- based.
Roboashura said:
Actually, it's meant to be a sort of "final level," because in the story, Sonic prepares to defeat Eggy, but fails.
Sounds creepily like Symphony of the Night to me, only that didn't have failing, just some weird crap going on five years later.
Roboashura said:
Actually, it's meant to be a sort of "final level," because in the story, Sonic prepares to defeat Eggy, but fails. So it gets easier, just practise and you'll beat that level. BTW, what kills you, anyway? I'll help.

i think it is just challenging enough, i get chains on enemys for over 20 lives
Wait, so you're saying the first level is DIFFICULT because of the whole "final level" spiel, and then gets EASIER? That's bad difficulty design; most of the games I've seen that let you recap event happening prior to the majority of the game make said events easier on you so you can get to the meat of the game (ie: if you don't want to DIE fighting Dracula as Richter in SotN, it's still as hard as ever, but if you DO die, you're instantly revived and made utterly invincible, so you can hurry up and get to Alucard)...
As far as I know at this moment, the only way to make it so you complete the level when you die would be to make one of the death frames use a linedef executor to raise an exit sector, and that's assuming I am correct in thinking that exit sectors do NOT check if you're dead and will exit fast enough that you won't be forced to reload the level and respawn (in singleplayer mode, anyway).
In 1.08l, you could've used a linedef executor to run a script that said

changeteam 0
changeteam 1
map mapxx

that would kill the player and warp to a map, but it wouldn't work in 1.09 for two reasons: Changeteam is only for CTF games, and you'd lose all the emblems that you got before in previous maps.
Make a 3d intangible invisible FOF with sector type 10, and then make a linedef executor in the target sector that runs a script that contains
map map02 -force
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