Some new features I'm working on for SRB2

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GUYS, GUYS. The April Fools joke going on here, is that they're not joking and actually releasing information about something real on April Fools day. As a joke.
I can actually confirm this exists -- I got a leaked copy of it in #srb2nsfw around a year ago. I've been asked not to share the actual link again, but I can give you a screenie I took of that old build:
...suddenly, I feel believing. :P

Obviously, this was posted near April 1st to see what everyone would think - whether or not it was clearly a hoax or in reality, a truthful thing. But from what I'm seeing, it's alllllllll real. ...well, mostly. (That previous screenshot before the previous looked weird.)
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That screenshot is an accurate representation of what's going on this thread right now.
I don't believe this is real, but I'll play along.

Is the new engine meant to eventually replace SRB2, with all the levels ported over and the original game/engine being abandoned, or will this be developed in tandem with SRB2 as its own thing?
How DARE you doubt the developers's hard work? It isn't ready for the public yet, of course they wouldn't release it!

Also, I'm excited for those new features! Keep up the good work!

I can DARE doubt whatever I want to.

MetalHead7 said:
I got a leaked copy of it in #srb2nsfw around a year ago.

Nice job developers. You gave a leaked build to random people in a chatroom, expect a bunch people asking you for a link now.

Shadon said:
GUYS, GUYS. The April Fools joke going on here, is that they're not joking and actually releasing information about something real on April Fools day. As a joke.

This is terrible.

Why the hell should we need new and improved features like this in SRB2???? First Chuckles (I, for one LOVED the old Knuckles. He felt MUCH better in SRB2 alongside the rest of the unchanged, nostalgic cast. I mean, at least make 1.09.4 Knuckles a skin option), and now this bullcrap!!!!!

Remember the days when OpenGL wasn't supported??? At all????

Remember when Castle Eggman zone had that sick button-hunting gimmick?????

Remember when we had those special holiday releases??????

SRB2 will never be the same again...

oh, and forget Blue Warrior's music project. I much preferred GFZ in it's original (and NOSTALGIC!!!) glory.

EDIT: Made a super special poll, LET'S BRING BACK BLUE MOUNTAIN ZONE BABY!!!!

EDIT TWO: So, to even further emphasize my point, I recorded MY OWN SELF reading this post. Now you can listen to this post ANYWHERE YOU PLEASE!!!
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This is terrible.

Why the hell should we need new and improved features like this in SRB2???? First Chuckles (I, for one LOVED the old Knuckles. He felt MUCH better in SRB2 alongside the rest of the unchanged, nostalgic cast. I mean, at least make 1.09.4 Knuckles a skin option), and now this bullcrap!!!!!

Remember the days when OpenGL wasn't supported??? At all????

Remember when Castle Eggman zone had that sick button-hunting gimmick?????

Remember when we had those special holiday releases??????

It will never be the same again...

oh, and forget Blue Warrior's music project. I much preferred GFZ in it's original (and NOSTALGIC!!!) glory.

You have a pretty strong opinion there. If you don't like what SRB2 is now compared to about a decade ago, then I guess you'll have to deal with it. SRB2 is slowly moving to (somewhat) greener pastures, and I guess the fans can't really change some of it.
You have a pretty strong opinion there. If you don't like what SRB2 is now compared to about a decade ago, then I guess you'll have to deal with it. SRB2 is slowly moving to (somewhat) greener pastures, and I guess the fans can't really change some of it.

if only those pastures didn't use the shitty gfz grass texture
I don't really like the direction the game is heading. It feels more...mainstream?
I liked the nostalgic feel of the sprites, the blocky levels, and the overall gameplay. Looks like we're *apparently* trading it out for this new 'modern looking' feel.
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