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Sol Sestancia 2 playtesting.

I was thinking of doing a fanart some days ago but i trought "nah" and i started making this on CYOP (that pizza tower level editor mod for the full game)

The teaser in question
ohh impressive ,looks fun. Didn't know you could put custom artwork in Pizza tower. Nice imitation of my style.
Heh, a fanmod of a fanmod from a different game that's a mod of another game inspired by another game.
How many layers of seperation can we get?
Hello hello! I've played through Golden Shine's edit 3 times now, once as sonic/tails & 2 more as my OC.
You've really out done yourself with this pack, Sol 2 feels a lot longer with less focus on HUB type levels, or at least that's how it feels to me. Sol1 felt more relaxed whereas this feels much more action packed. The difficulty is definitely ramped up, my first playthrough had me game-overing a couple times, especially on later levels such as Escape Robotropolis, Terracentro & secret train. On multiple playthroughs, once you know the level layouts (and not playing as sonic) it's a lot more fun and feels great to speedrun through. Absolutly no issues on my end concerning the levels or vibe, it hits perfectly in this department.
Any issues I expereinced have already been addressed previously, lag spikes were a bit intense in these areas for me, BUT I had multiple mods and play primarily on my steam deck, which might affect perfomance but I'd like to mention them:
-fang bombing hall
-robotropolis when airdashing? again, probably my mods
-Mt Terracentro cave pad area, specifically after taking a few speed pads for some reason. Again, possibly mods
Had the same cool Vector hanging out ShinjiNyan showed, and chairs in EggTV Network were also not working correctly, just mentioning.
Also, chairs in Knothole were doing this thing in the pics attached? Not sure if thats right.

Would like to throw in my OC, if you're willing to throw her anywhere.
Keep rocking dude, everyone involved deserves the best for a great mod like this.
I could never ever made it to there, its unfair for me 🙁😔
Man, i wish i had known about this thread sooner! This was honestly a blast to try out. You really improved a lot, Roger. gotta pat yourself on the back man lmao
That aside, instead of flooding the entire thread with what I want to say, I'm gonna opt into making a quick google doc to better organize my thoughts and feedback in the mods current state. Hope it helps!

Man, i wish i had known about this thread sooner! This was honestly a blast to try out. You really improved a lot, Roger. gotta pat yourself on the back man lmao
That aside, instead of flooding the entire thread with what I want to say, I'm gonna opt into making a quick google doc to better organize my thoughts and feedback in the mods current state. Hope it helps!

Nice, that's a hell of a lot of feedback.

Also, Roger, unless you're holding back some big surprise, update the first post with the latest in-dev Solsest so we can give more relevant bug reports.
Nice, that's a hell of a lot of feedback.

Also, Roger, unless you're holding back some big surprise, update the first post with the latest in-dev Solsest so we can give more relevant bug reports.

Embarrassingly enough, I have updated since, I just never said anything since it's only a few small things.
Didn't feel comfortable making a big deal out of it and bumping up the topic on the forum over it.
It's currently version 0.7. It's Goldenshine's updates, plus the chair reset to normal, duplicate Vector turned back to Rotor. An alternative exit in the courtroom if you get stuck in the other balcony, the ceilings increased that someone requested and some other small stuff.
And the ending cutscene from part 1 inserted in the opening stage to fill up the silence at the beginning.
Kinda dumb I didn't think of that before.

Thanks for the feedback Favman! Heh, nice bonus pictures, reminds me of the Smash Bros ending screenshots.
Nice detail with the reflection of your character on the ballroom floor.
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This level pack is VERY fun to play through. The level design is very fun and focused on speed. I was inspired by the level "Uptown" and have decided to draw this (The background is literally just a screenshot from this level). My only problems are the non functional chairs in "Egg TV Network", but it's only a temporary problem as it was mentioned before, and 2d section in the secret trains level, where sometimes the character gets way too far and isn't able to enter the final door. Other than that it's a really great experience! Good luck on the boss and bug fixes.


  • sonic in sol sectancia 2.jpg
    sonic in sol sectancia 2.jpg
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The level design is very fun and focused on speed. I was inspired by the level "Uptown" and have decided to draw this (The background is literally just a screenshot from this level).
Another piece of fanart.
At this point I should add a museum in the pack. Thanks!
Love it, always good to see Sonic in that funky graffiti style. Love the gruff looking organic shading too.
I'm familiar with your complaints, I'm working on it. At least the chairs should be fixed by now.
What its unfair is that i never couldnt unlocked the 2nd episode of the mod.
Sol Sestancia 2 isn't an unlockable feature in the first one, it's a whole seperate mod, you can download it from the first post in this thread.

Oh, also from Favman's doc, the weird things confusing you in the factory's ceiling is supposed to be frozen swordfish.
Being a frozen food packaging plant. Was inspired by a section from a Bonkers Snes game for that section, altough there they also fell down.


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Drew some fanart of that one golf section of Uptown (mainly this part)

Because I was bored (uhhhh, I don't have nothing new to say but I hope the progress is doing well)


  • Sonicgolfy.jpg
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Hey, it's me again! So I did some testing within zone builder, and I think I might know why the first and 11th map starts to lag like crazy.
From what I've gathered after back-and-forth testing, MT_BOMB from SOC_BOMB and MT_MONK from SOC_MONK appear to be the culprits.

From what I can tell, the further away you are from the objects, the more thinkers are constantly created, bloating up the game logic. The reason why seems to be due to the way the firing frame is set up for both objects. Something about the ACTION lines might be causing the problem (and potentially Var1 & Var2), as setting those frames to have an action of None ended up resolving the issue for the thinkers.
Alright, version 0.8 up, it's a minor update tough. The Bombers and monkeys had their SOC changed based on Favman's suggestions, haven't had time to really test it but it seems to work. And they actually bother withhold their attacks until they see the player this time, only now noticed they were programmed to immediately attack. Oops.

Minor quality of life updates in the Train stage, mountain, hopefully the text portraits are always full size now. Test area for the final boss in credits stage.
Because I was bored (uhhhh, I don't have nothing new to say but I hope the progress is doing well)
Heh, Sonic in a golf shirt. Alrighty, thanks! Really cute.
Oh yeah, I'm not too sure if i'm too late to ask this, but since this was brought up before...
You're free to request OC's.
Would it be cool to request mine as well? It's a bit of a silly ask, but I thought "why not" lmao
I can probably help provide an object as well to save up on object freeslotting limits if more than one's allowed.
Don't post long messages that fill the page with no content, that is considered spam.
so can you put Red The Hedgehog in the room with the freedom fighters and in escape from Robotroplis during the train part?
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Oh yeah, I'm not too sure if i'm too late to ask this, but since this was brought up before...

Would it be cool to request mine as well? It's a bit of a silly ask, but I thought "why not" lmao
I can probably help provide an object as well to save up on object freeslotting limits if more than one's allowed.
Still got a bunch of freeslots left. Sure. Any preference where or what?

so can you put Red The Hedgehog in the room with the freedom fighters and in escape from Robotroplis during the train part
Sure, but please don't have such a huge open space in your text, I was wondering if there's a screenshot missing, and now it's a bit of a pain to quickly scroll trough messages to look for feedback.

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