SOCK_Send Errors

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If it also happens in single player, then your power supply is going bad.
SSNTails said:
If it also happens in single player, then your power supply is going bad.

Yeah, that happened to my last computer.
Well, anyway... I found the source of the reboot issue.
Now, I'm back to the regular SOCK_Send errors.
It appears that I will have to get used to it for now.
Until anyone can shed some specific light on how to officially fix the problem, I'm done for now.
Re: SRB2 Netgame Errors

AlamGBC said:
CrimsonGodX said:
SOCK_Send, error sending to node 2 ( #10004: Unknown error
Interrupted function call.
A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.

Some other WinSock program is using WSACancelBlockingCall to interrupt SRB2's WinSock operation

This is from the log of the latest instance.
I_Error(): SOCK_Send, error sending to node 3 ( #10004: Unknown error
Unregistering this server to the master server...

It seems I only get SOCK_Sends when certain people join my server.
Almost everytime a certain person enters my server I get an instant error.
How can I access a list of other WinSock programs so I might be able to disable them?
I also notice a significant pause before the error.
It has got to the point where I can literally predict the exact moment they will occur.
Could Windows Firewall or my router cause this?
How about a bad registry entry?
are you using "PeerGuardian 2", PeerGuardian or ProtoWall?
Logan_GBA said:
are you using "PeerGuardian 2", PeerGuardian or ProtoWall?

Could Windows Firewall, Spybot S&D, two conflicting firewalls, a bad router, or anything else cause that?
I'm pretty much at the point of changing ISP's, reformatting Windows, or getting a new PC.
Pardon the double-post and bump but, things are getting weirder by the
I was working on getting a new PC to fix this SOCK_Send error thing, hoping it was something wrong with the registry. (I don't have a extra copy of Win XP to reformat, plus my computer just needs an upgrade.)
I decided to try running SRB2 on my dad's computer to see if the SOCK_Sends occured there too. (To, see if there was a problem with my ISP, Router, or Network.) It appeard to work fine on my dad's computer, so, I decided to run SRB2 again on my PC to see if I could produce a SOCK_Send again as a fluke. NOW, my ports have "un-forwarded" and thus not allowing anyone to join games. (Except via IP entering) Now, I don't get SOCK_Sends on my PC either... WTF is going on? I tried re-forwarding my ports but they are stuck on some 4#### number. I can't put it back to 5029 via my routers settings or Windows firewall. Ok, so now I don't get SOCK_Sends but now my ports are screwed up so nobody can join my games. (Via the Master Server.) WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?! Somebody please shed some light on this. Is my computer just insane? Or, can this behaviour be explained somehow.
I've included a link about SOCK_Sends so we can learn more about them.
If anyone can help me fix this, it would be more than appreciated.
I need some quick feedback on this... I need to know if I need a new PC or ISP ASAP!
Please go here to learn about error # 10004 (SOCK_Sends)
Yar, I was there, We managed to play through the game a good hour or so, there was no sock errors at all, but I couldn't see his server on the master server, ever.

It appears that the cause of my constant SOCK_Sends could be
traced not to me specifically... but Logan_GBA himself!
I usually ran the server:
Crim's 24/Hour
Anybody remember that one?
Well, it appears that using the characters " ' " " / "
doesn't make Logan's firewall too happy.
So what happens? Auto unregister from the server. Simple.
I will no longer host that exact named server anymore.
Problem solved.
Look for my new server names:
Crims 24 Hour
Crims Server
Crimson Chaos
I know this is a long time in the future but could you tell me how you solved it because I use a mac.
Uh... This is a topic from eight years ago. Most of the people who posted here, including the OP, are no longer around. If you're having an issue, make a new thread about it (which you already did...).
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