SOC Editing is a special text document or lump file that SRB2 reads, and it changes things like how the game is played, how enemies move, etc. A special tool for making them is in the Source Code folder in SRB2.
If by "u" you mean "you", then again: Look in the Source Code folder.
Make a new text document in the folder SRC, reneme it so Somethingorother.soc. Point the Soc Editor to the SRC folder, and the text document.
...Unless said frames are specific to character abilities, such as knuckles glide/climb, tails flight, or supersonic. Then it only affects characters with the specified ability.
No, it would affect the frame number. Whatever you did would have effect on that number, so:
For the first of special frames:
1) Super Sonic alter
2) Tails fly alter
3) Knuckles Glide alter
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