src/scr folder? What's that?NeoJames said:I can't remember how I fixed that...I think you point the source code thingy to the src/scr folder...
The what? I sound stupid.BlueZero4 said:READ ME FIRST button knows all.
Yes.on Edge said:Have you ever opened SOC editor?
Ok i read it but it doesn't help.Vash said:
For one, I don't even HAVE the /src folder.Zanyhead said:Then you cant read.
I still can't understand it. What do they mean by sounds and extraction?NeoJames said:*Headbang*
The read me button shows how you get the src folder
Oh thanks man that really worked! :DVash said:*heal stomp* You can't read at all... can you... you have to extract the SRB2Src1094 package. If you don't have it, then you need to extract the FinalDemo1094 package. Don't have FinalDemo1094? Then how'd you get the game? *World of pained* If you don't have FinalDemo1094, then you need to redownload the game, and then extract FinalDemo1094, and then extract SRB2Src1094.
Draykon said:Why the hell is this in Releases?
Draykon said:Why the hell is this in Releases?