SOC or WAD that instantly gives star from mario koopa blast?

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I remember there being an old wad that let you spawn instantly flashing colors like the mario koopa blast star. I don't know how it worked, I think it spawned a star whenever you jumped or did a spin dash, but I don't think it made you invincible or changed the music....
Can somebody tell me if there's a way for this to happen in 2.0 and how i'd be able to make that?
A script could do it... But it won't change colors when you jump/move a player.
Color red
Wait 1 
Color blue
Wait 1

Just make a notepad and punch in something of the sorts and launch it. The command to launch it is exec.

 exec *****.txt

If you need anything else, please say.
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No no no, I mean that I want to somehow be able to start already having the star on or something...
As in, already flashing colours, and maybe invincible too.
I tried the old hyper1.wad, and it still kinda works. I mean, hitting an invincibility box activates the star, but only for a certain time limit. I want it to happen as soon as you spawn and never run out.

Looks cool.

No no no, I mean that I want to somehow be able to start already having the star on or something...
As in, already flashing colours, and maybe invincible too.
I tried the old hyper1.wad, and it still kinda works. I mean, hitting an invincibility box activates the star, but only for a certain time limit. I want it to happen as soon as you spawn and never run out.

Launch the script before you get in a level, and put exec ****.txt in the end of your script.
Looks cool.

Launch the script before you get in a level, and put exec ****.txt in the end of your script.

I'm trying to make it so that you spawn already in the effects of the star from Mario Koopa Blast. Invincible and flashing colours in single player, able to move while changing colours, and maybe compatible with netplay if possible.
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