A.K.A KashiSD22
*sob* WHY? Why dont my XWE Dont work?? It doesnt go here
BUT it just says Failed to set data for ". WTH does that means?
You Dont understand. it doesnt go to what the image is but it does something else.BlueZero4 said:Point it at srb2.srb
look, u know how you first open up XWE, the setup comes up? thats the problem, the setup dosnt come up! I dont know if i did it already but if i did, its there a way to fix it?luis90 said:I think a picture of WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR...
Would help a lot more in this situation.
*sigh* im just asking how to get the setup part back if i did it before.Blizzard T. said:*sigh*
Clicking 'browse', directing it to the SRB2 folder, and double clicking SRB2.SRB doesn't work?
; Feel free to change these
; XWE will ask for location or find the file automatically
MainWAD,C:\Documents and Settings\MyName\My Documents\New Folder\,srb2.srb
;MainWAD,C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\Rob\Games\SRB2\1.09\,srb2.srb
Run Map,C:\Doom\ZDooM\,ZDOOM.EXE
Nodes Builder,C:\Doom\TOOLS\ZenNode\win32\,ZENNODE.EXE
Action Script Compiler,C:\Doom\builder\,ACC.EXE
Mus2Midi Utility,C:\Doom\TOOLS\Mus2Mid\,MUS2MIDI.EXE
Midi2Mus Utility,C:\Doom\TOOLS\DeePsea\,MIDI2MUS.EXE
Sondaniel22 said:You Dont understand. it doesnt go to what the image is but it does something else.BlueZero4 said:Point it at srb2.srb
ok, im gonna try it now.Dark Warrior said:Hey Einstein, he did. That's where he got the image.
This one's actually my fault. XWE linked on SRB2Wiki is last XWE beta with a relevant update that would affect SRB2 editing. xwe.ini is included in the zip, where either
A) It shouldn't be.
B) MAINWAD entry shouldn't be there.
I'll run a few tests, and have it back up in a couple minutes for you.
Yes, it was the latter. I blanked out MAINWAD entry, and it works. < That should work now.