You think it's cool to slander MY name, huh? Well, unlike you, I have plenty of places to look for evidence saying that you are lying and I'm telling the truth. Let's look at some logs, shall we?
First off, let's get one thing straight. That IS your IP address. It has been the entire time. Lemme point out all the joins you made on that day:
* JavaGuest095 ( has joined #srb2fun
* JavaGuest095 is now known as Syko
* Syko-Pissed ( Quit (Quit: EsperNet is my LIFE)
* JavaGuest000 ( has joined #srb2fun
* JavaGuest000 is now known as Syko
* Syko ( Quit (Quit: EsperNet is my LIFE)
* JavaGuest240 ( has joined #srb2fun
* Mystic sets mode: +b Syko!*@*
* Syko was kicked by Mystic (Flame)
* mab509 ( has joined #srb2fun
* FuriousFox sets mode: +b *!*
* mab509 was kicked by FuriousFox (Ban evasion)
* Flair ( has joined #srb2fun
* ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*
* Flair was kicked by ChanServ (AKICK by Mystic (Sykotic. Apparently doesn't know what hostmasks are. Ban evasion is so cool lawl!))
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know who is joining when it's that IP. Unless you're willing to say that Spazzo broke into your house that night and accessed your computer, that was you. Spazzo has a COMPLETELY different IP address. For your information, Spazzo's hostmask is Spazzo!PokerSpazz@CPE*-CM*, completely different from yours. There is no way he could possibly impersonate you, and everyone but you seems to know it.
Spazzo was doing something completely different from you on that day, it's called "trolling", while it's against the rules, and we tempbanned him for it, it has nothing to do with what you did, which was simple ban evasion. You are banned from #srb2fun for ban evasion, not flaming, and you're not about to be unbanned with your compulsive lying and repetitive bringing this up after the discussion has already died MULTIPLE times. Spazzo has nothing to do with you being banned, it's your own damn fault.
Finally, the reason TMF keeps coming up each time you make an idiot of yourself is because you're the dictator in charge of it. When YOU do something wrong, TMF is guilty by association, since it's your forum.
Sykotic, get a clue. Stop bringing this crap up, because all you're doing it make everyone mock you for clearly pulling your posts out of your ass. You evaded a ban, we rebanned you, and now you're lying repetitively trying to cover it up. Deal with it.