Invalid SIGSEGV Error despite troubleshooting for weeks.


Exactly what it says on the tin, I keep getting a sigsegv error trying to run the game. I've ran it on OpenGL and Software, still get the error, I've messed with rendering values, increasing them, lowering them. Messing with multiple cores, I've done just about every other fix I've seen here in the forums, even updated my bios to hopefully fix the instabilites of my 13th gen i9 chip and still there's sigsegv errors. I've attached my RPT and log files, as the game tells me to do on said error, so if there's any fix I can do I would *really* like to know.


  • ringracers.RPT
    14.7 KB · Views: 29
  • log-2024-08-25_00-53-44.txt
    166.8 KB · Views: 27
  • log-2024-08-25_00-53-59.txt
    167 KB · Views: 26

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