My worst failures happened when I was 11 years old, taking part in online communities for the first time. First it happened in 3D Ultra Mini-Golf, which I sucked at and acted like a general moron in (Didn't know what Half-Life was back then, so I asked what it was. The guy responded with, "You don't know what Half-Life is?! What kind of lame gamer are you?!"). Then, in the 3D Ultra Contraptions forums I met some kid younger than me. I was rather dim-witted and let him use my username (Dur!). He made a crappy graphics library under my name on MFGG, a short time after I whined on the boards because some guy called Thunder Yoshi or something similar got promoted as a moderator and I got jealous (then changed my mind). I neglected to go on MFGG for some time due to embarrassment after the library incident. I also at one point made an EZBoard that nobody joined (and never visited again).
Yeah. No links for you!