Current Levels in the Campaign.
Starting Level: Central Square
Level 02 Neutral: Robo Hill
Level 02 Hero: Vast Expanse
[To be Included...More]
Current Levels in the Multiplayer.
[To be Included...More]
Shadow the Hedgehog was a unique sonic game that delivered something new, and, for the most part, succeeded in some regions such as Japan.
This MOD Delivers some of what SHTH Introduced, the fact that you could ''customize'' your storyline throughout each playthrough.
How it will work, is, for instance, Central Square has 3 ways to clear the level. However you clear it decides the next level you play. Each level has a hidden Chaos Emerald, and a variety of exit points.
The Boss AI is REAL, REAL Hard. Even hard for 8-player Online Co-Op! Now THAT is Hard!
This has some unique enemies, a list of ''new'' enemies is here.
Factobot : Gradually creates Blue Crawlas...
Factobot2 : Gradually creates Red Crawlas...
Red Missile : A Red Crawla with Multiple Health Points that shoots bullets
Sonic Clone : A Clone of Sonic? But...How?
The levels, such as Vast Expanse, try to be non-linear. You feel a ''open-ness'' and urge to explore the entire level.
It's quite unique the game =D
Now, here's some WIP Screenshots of VAST EXPANSE.
Also, right now, a server hosting the mod is up. Join the server to instantly download the mod (Though it'll take a while) and join the private beta co-op action!
Starting Level: Central Square
Level 02 Neutral: Robo Hill
Level 02 Hero: Vast Expanse
[To be Included...More]
Current Levels in the Multiplayer.
[To be Included...More]
Shadow the Hedgehog was a unique sonic game that delivered something new, and, for the most part, succeeded in some regions such as Japan.
This MOD Delivers some of what SHTH Introduced, the fact that you could ''customize'' your storyline throughout each playthrough.
How it will work, is, for instance, Central Square has 3 ways to clear the level. However you clear it decides the next level you play. Each level has a hidden Chaos Emerald, and a variety of exit points.
The Boss AI is REAL, REAL Hard. Even hard for 8-player Online Co-Op! Now THAT is Hard!
This has some unique enemies, a list of ''new'' enemies is here.
Factobot : Gradually creates Blue Crawlas...
Factobot2 : Gradually creates Red Crawlas...
Red Missile : A Red Crawla with Multiple Health Points that shoots bullets
Sonic Clone : A Clone of Sonic? But...How?
The levels, such as Vast Expanse, try to be non-linear. You feel a ''open-ness'' and urge to explore the entire level.
It's quite unique the game =D
Now, here's some WIP Screenshots of VAST EXPANSE.
Also, right now, a server hosting the mod is up. Join the server to instantly download the mod (Though it'll take a while) and join the private beta co-op action!