Sex before marriage-BE MATURE!

Sex before marriage?

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Anyways, I'm in complete and utter confusion as to the "Do what your heart says" posts. If you love this person, it shouldn't be a drive to have sex. It should be real love. Sex is not love. If you love the person, marry them. Sex is something to be shared by people willing to spend their lives together. And the people who follow this turn out happier in the end for it.
Sex before marriage, marriage before sex. Doesn't matter. You can have both sex and marriage without love. Some choose to think that after so much sex, it becomes undesirable, and you find out what means the most in a relationship. Others believe that sex should only be shared with the one(s) you love. Personally, I dissapprove of both.
Chaosxth said:
thats fun ^_^ im a perv i know

mostly everyone in the world is (even myself)... we just cant help it basically in our teenage years

yeah... i admit it, i am a perv too... and strangely enough, i always have Dreams about some random girl (or my girl friend) and well, you get the picture...

i think that this topic is good cause its making us share diffrent feelings on what love/marrage/sex really is... and... well... share our inner feelings about others :mrgreen:
Whoa, I could've sworn I posted here.

Anyway, I personally am on both sides. It really depends on what your purpouse to having sex is. If it's just for the fun of it, then I'm not to sure you should be doing it before marriage. If you and your partner are trying to find if you are sexually compatible, it makes sense.

EDIT: In reply to FTH -
There is a specific girl at school that I dream about too, except not in that way. I'm not nearly as perverted (Yes, I am mature enough to control myself o.o) as my friends.
Flame_the_hedgehog said:
Chaosxth said:
thats fun ^_^ im a perv i know

mostly everyone in the world is (even myself)... we just cant help it basically in our teenage years

yeah... i admit it, i am a perv too... and strangely enough, i always have Dreams about some random girl (or my girl friend) and well, you get the picture...

i think that this topic is good cause its making us share diffrent feelings on what love/marrage/sex really is... and... well... share our inner feelings about others :mrgreen:
Same here lol
Sex? You mean the thing that was created so we could have children, right? Psh, hardly. Who has childen anymore? See, actual sex is rare. But to the point.

Sex should only happen when you are willing to live the rest of your life together and have children. Which is basically why marriage is there - to say "I am ready and willing to live a loving life with this person". See, marriage is a step before sex for obvious reasons... Sadly, present common soceity protrays this as something much lower, almost like it's a game. And thus, people play this game like it's nothing. Hell, people now have ways to dodge the reproductive effects of it. People rely on these too much to have sex so they can dodge the correct outcome of it. Of course, this often leads to more problems then if people were damn patient and stopped being such a controlling and demanding human, since there are also many times where girls get pregnant anyways, in which thus chaos can happen.

Hint: Be a good boy/girl and wait until you formed a deep relationship with someone and while you are living with them. Then knock yourself out - I mean, it's why couples exist, right? :D </heavilyopinionatedpost>
Do you really think some rubber (or whatever its made out of) is going to protect you all the time?

I think we should step back a little and define what marriage is. It means saying I do to the person you want to commit your live to and I don't to everyone else. Also serve one another, and stop trying to make the marriage only for you.

On another note, I think it is dangerous to go by what you "feel" is right all the time. Feelings (like hate and lust) are dangerous to you and others if you act on them, so examine feelings and do what is right.
Anyways, I'm in complete and utter confusion as to the "Do what your heart says" posts. If you love this person, it shouldn't be a drive to have sex. It should be real love. Sex is not love. If you love the person, marry them. Sex is something to be shared by people willing to spend their lives together. And the people who follow this turn out happier in the end for it.
I know what you mean I used to think life was all about sex sex sex "gotta get some booty lolz" But I recently relized I was wrong.
What's this? Almost let this one slip past me!

Seriously, though, I don't care, as long as you wear a condom. I don't think a disease is worth more pleasurable sex.

I don't understand how men can coax women into unprotected sex. A condom wouldn't really effect sex for a woman. If you were to take a "toy" and cover it in elastic, would it really make a difference? (I mean this in all seriousness)

And the fact that everyone is using 1 definition for marriage perturbs me. There are multiple religions on Earth, meaning there isn't a universal "Marriage before sex or eternal damnation" commandmant. There are only a handful of religions that say that. Everyone has different interpretations on everything, including what a marriage is.

If you want to have sex before you get married, go ahead. It doesn't bother me.
Seriously, though, I don't care, as long as you wear a condom. I don't think a disease is worth more pleasurable sex.
Well, let's start with this:
Show me a legitimate study that says a condom will always and every time protect you from an STD.
Also, what mentality does that start? Promiscuity. It's not a good road to go down. Having sex here and there "I'll be safe, I have condoms". And when that one time finally does occur, what then? Disease? Pregnancy? (Yes, I'm about to go there.) Using a condom puts you in the mentality of "I don't want/am not ready for a baby". At that point, abortion (Murder) is generally the end result. Oh, sure, you'll see the occasional responsible parent, but most will just "eliminate the problem". If you aren't ready and/or capable/don't want a baby, don't have sex.
And disease. Maybe you'll end up with something small and treatable. But what if you get HIV? You're likely to die. No condom can change that. Was it really worth it then? Using a condom with sex is still sex, and isn't "safe".

And the fact that everyone is using 1 definition for marriage perturbs me. There are multiple religions on Earth, meaning there isn't a universal "Marriage before sex or eternal damnation" commandmant.
But while that's true, marriage has an original establishment in the Jewish religion, which *has* defined it as something between a husband and wife, and that's where sex belongs. And most religions uphold this. (Save the several branches and very small ones where people join because it suits their wants/opinions and nothing more). It is a handed down tradition that, until recently, been accepted. Widely. To sit there and debate that makes no sense.
A condom works 98% of the time, roughly. Most men who get women pregnant or contract diseases don't use condoms correctly. As for your arguement on religion, many things have changed since most major religions were founded. I'd bet hard money that most of you don't even go to church. Mystic is an Atheist, for Christ's sake. Dark Warrior, do you go to church (or mosque) regularly?
At least once a week. And before surgery, regularly to a local crisis (NOT to be confused with an abortion clinic) center to help out and whatnot.

While, yes, most failures are from incorrect use, the pores in the condom are immensly large compared to viruses that are transmitted. There's no guarantee that you'll be safe 100% of the time. It just doesn't happen that way and isn't worth it.
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