Don't be so sure. I mean, I'm sure it's not going to be the "OMGMUSTBUY!" game, but I get the feeling that enough people will purchase it.
People still classic feeling 8 bit games. Most people who own a Wii and have access to the Wii Shopping Channel own at least 1 NES title. Almost everyone I know was/is extremely psyched about Cave Story, another 8 bit game, coming to Wii Ware.
And I get the point of it being more than the 8 bit style that you think will hold the game back, I know what you mean.
That being said, I personally don't like it, and I can also see reasons that support the "It won't work anymore" idea.
Then again, I never liked the Mario games, and every time I saw that castle scene, I felt myself die a little on the inside.