'Kay, so at the beginning, there's a Crawla Commander. Stay in spindash position until he hits you, then do a spin jump to finish him off.
Now, there's a hidden spring at that area. Look for a discolored panel and fall onto it to go into an air vent on the roof. Go to the left and fall onto the conveyor belt flooded with rings. Keep going in the direction it takes you until you reach an area with a liquid shield and ring monitors. After you get the monitors go back the way you came from to the beginning of the level.
At this point, if you want to get both emerald tokens, it's crucial that you do not lose the shield. You'll see why later. For now, you have two directions to take. One way is heavily guarded by lasers and crushers. Losing the barrier here is very likely, so don't take it unless you know what you're doing.
The other way is another area, one which is guarded by a turret. The key to not getting hit is staying behind something when he's firing at you. At the beginning, stay where you are, as that's your first safe spot. When he's done firing, jump to the next platform and hide behind the boxes for the turret's next round of shots. Afterwards, jump to the next platform and quickly get to the next one, as the floating platform will soon fall into the chemicals below. (It should be noted that liquid shields are not succeptible to chemicals. If you fall into it, quickly speed thok back to your beginning spot before the turret gets you!) Now, ignore the platform with a flame shield on it, and rush directly toward the red button and press on it while the turret is at its interval of rest. The button will destroy the turret and open the gate to another area.
Next part is easy. Keep rushing onward, not getting hit by enemies, and go to the path of the conveyor belts. Watch out for the crusher that looms over the pathway to the next room.
When you get to the area with three red buzzers, destroy them and look for a discolored portion of a wall. Jump into it, and you'll find a token!
Now here's the part where the liquid shield is essential. Ignore the yellow springs and jump directly into the chemicals. Go to your right to find hexagonic (or oxagonic, I dunno) pillar with a hole in it. Jump into it and be blown upward by a powerful current. After a ride in the wastes, you'll see an invincibility monitor and - tada - another token.
After this, you needn't worry about the liquid shield, though it could be of use if you have a tendency of falling in the chemicals. Since the arrow points right, it'd be logical to go right, where the conveyor belt leads. You'll find a big red button, which, when pushed, will make the arrow point upward and open the entrance to the next level. Again, go where the arrow points to the red springs. If you look down, you'll see a couple groups of floating barrels. Jump onto them to reach the goal.
It's not hard at all. You just need to know what to do. ;P