Super Chris That one map maker. Apr 16, 2011 #1 I found a scrolling flat in this part of ACZ1. Did anyone notice this? Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2011
K.S. Formerly Inuyasha, Retired Staff Retired Staff Apr 16, 2011 #2 Instead of asking "Did anyone else notice this", perhaps you should've done a simple search? showthread.php?t=33662&highlight=scrolling showthread.php?t=34069&highlight=scrolling showthread.php?t=34355&highlight=scrolling showthread.php?t=35012&highlight=scrolling
Instead of asking "Did anyone else notice this", perhaps you should've done a simple search? showthread.php?t=33662&highlight=scrolling showthread.php?t=34069&highlight=scrolling showthread.php?t=34355&highlight=scrolling showthread.php?t=35012&highlight=scrolling