• Do not use Works in Progress as a way of avoiding the releases system! Works in Progress can be used for sharing early betas and for getting suggestions for improvement. Releases of finished content are not allowed in this forum! If you would like to submit a finished addon, click here for instructions on how to do so.

(Scrapped) Prince Tuah's WIP Garage

in case if I want to come up with a new char and really on it, I might need a good spriter. But I thought it's weird that me an 'artist' don't know how to sprite, so might I need to learn how. Maybe on a computer. I usually draw traditionally (on paper).

Also, I think I'm gonna scrap that Paming project. I planned to redesign him anyways, and he ain't 'Lansang' anymore. I might need to go slow and start with simple movesets first. I am not as fast as Sonic, heh.

But sure if someone wants to save my scrapped char project, and like change it a little bit or completing it. But if really want to complete and port, hmm...

If you want to contact me to discuss something about one in Discord
But seriously though, please don't invite me to any server.
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Can't explain, gotta hurry to a vacation. I'll put my current new project here just in case. First Demo.


  • CL_SiSemut_v0.pk3
    213.2 KB · Views: 51
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I got a chance to bring tablet, but I can't code right now.
Anyways, I literally documented in my book. Just bored.
But you can see the character's appearance here. The center one.
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Can't explain, gotta hurry to a vacation. I'll put my current new project here just in case. First Demo.
So this guy, Si Semut (me) can hardly have any power rather than invince and speed up.
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He can't even turn super even he got the emeralds. He might burn those before Eggman could catch.
This guy, Si Semut (me) can hardly have any power rather than invince and speed up.
So that's why I think he's might be the weakest char mod in SRB2. He even can get damage easily that he needs to rest.

Don't ask why he has that skirt thing.
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Can't explain, gotta hurry to a vacation. I'll put my current new project here just in case. First Demo.
I went back home and tried it
Lahh, I didn't save SOC as I hurried.
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I can't brain what happened

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Another vacation, so I had to stop working for a while.
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