Hello everypony here, is my first wad in a long time (Almost 2 years) it's called stone palace
It is a level based around exploration and platforming (Lots and lots of platforming). I made it alot more open then my other levels. It also has a knuckles only route ( He has to follow that one.) and several paths.
I am currently finished with knuckles route (I might extend it later) and a bit into the main route.
Okay here are the screenshots:
A view point of the beggining area. Lots of crawlas and lots of rocks.
another viewpoint from the bottom showing off the bridge
A view of what at the end of the river
And the other side
The stone spiral.. Lots of climbing here...
How high is this thing
A view of the river with some sdurfs... try not to fall.
Top of a mountain.. With a view of the beginning area...
Climbing stone platforms
Right before those platforms
Knuckles' mini boss ( No it's not just a generic egg mobile... He's edited)
A view of the battle field
Another view (That lava is blocked off it's supposed to be a transition for act 2)
Getting up close and personal with eggman
Path to knuckles mini boss
End of the route for one of knuckles paths...
Stairway in knux path
Springing over some spikes
Level Notes:
This level doesn't work in multiplayer (Due to path issues)
It uses 2.1 moniter sprites (With homemade explosions credit to D00D64)
Eggmobile is edited (It is currently somewhat broken It will be fixed by release time)
It uses Rocky Mountains music and the generic boss theme.
Knux route is found right behind the start.
and the main route wasn't fully shown... But it doesn't have a full thok barrier yet( I didn't want any crappy shots).
alright that's all folks
It is a level based around exploration and platforming (Lots and lots of platforming). I made it alot more open then my other levels. It also has a knuckles only route ( He has to follow that one.) and several paths.
I am currently finished with knuckles route (I might extend it later) and a bit into the main route.
Okay here are the screenshots:
A view point of the beggining area. Lots of crawlas and lots of rocks.
another viewpoint from the bottom showing off the bridge
A view of what at the end of the river
And the other side
The stone spiral.. Lots of climbing here...
How high is this thing
A view of the river with some sdurfs... try not to fall.
Top of a mountain.. With a view of the beginning area...
Climbing stone platforms
Right before those platforms
Knuckles' mini boss ( No it's not just a generic egg mobile... He's edited)
A view of the battle field
Another view (That lava is blocked off it's supposed to be a transition for act 2)
Getting up close and personal with eggman
Path to knuckles mini boss
End of the route for one of knuckles paths...
Stairway in knux path
Springing over some spikes
Level Notes:
This level doesn't work in multiplayer (Due to path issues)
It uses 2.1 moniter sprites (With homemade explosions credit to D00D64)
Eggmobile is edited (It is currently somewhat broken It will be fixed by release time)
It uses Rocky Mountains music and the generic boss theme.
Knux route is found right behind the start.
and the main route wasn't fully shown... But it doesn't have a full thok barrier yet( I didn't want any crappy shots).
alright that's all folks