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scr_Harlequin_Hills.wad (2d)

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Usually lurks somewhere.
This is a 3-act 2d wad by yours truly.
New Version:http://www.sendspace.com/file/a1jbyz
Here's some screenies:


Act 1


SDURFS in Act 1


Act 2


The end of Act 2


Act 3: Eggrobo in the egg-o-matic

The boss battle is also 2d against an eggrobo. He is socced independently so other Eggman fights will not be changed

So...what do you think? It's pretty hard to make interesting screenshots of 2d levels, I find, so don't put too much stock in these. You have to download to really get a feel for it.

If people like it, I may work on a second level
It's pretty good, but I could only get past it with sissy mode. Also, the game sigsevs after, I think, 4 hits on the Egg-Robo fight.
While you have a lot of the technical stuff down, you seem to be lacking in a bit of common sense. See, while the characters can jump 100 or so units, it doesn't mean it's a good idea to expect people to jump that high. Try something around 50 or 75, or 64. Truthfully, I've tried it that way, and I hate it. It kills the playability, utterly.

And did that eggrobo turn into a red crawla? 0_o
Not bad.
The acts were a bit short and I got owned on the water bit.

[offtopic]You should make that robo-egg 3D and put it in the soc section.[/offtopic]
Well could you supply an example(s) of a platform jump that is really high so I may justify my descision?
That was to make it more difficult to get through the top route. The top route is more difficult to make it harder to reach to emerald, and if you fall there, you are forced to use the bottom route, unless the middle platform and the 3rd remain. The 1st is purely optional, allowing players to get a marginably better time.

Also, I built the platform they lead to first, and thier height seemed appropriate. I could have had the 2nd and 3rd platforms only, but figured that it was fairer for first time players to have the 1st platform to jump on first.

Also, as a side note, the difference in their heights is 112 units, which makes it a challenging jump to make. The level can be cleared in 15 seconds using the bottom route, 20 using the top. Traditionally, in Sonic games, there is a faster top route, but my level has a faster bottom route, although others may find the top faster due to less enemies.

*Looks up*

I....think I justified it, in a long winded, blah blahey kind of way.
Anyway, thanks for your feedback :)
Did some experimenting. Decided to change third platform to a 96 height difference, others will remain 112. Update will not be posted until later
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