I've taken the liberty of getting out my hex editor, Hexplorer, and hacking the save game files for SRB2. This is how far I've gotten.
NOTE: All numbers are in HEXADECIMAL.
EDIT: Oops! 34, not 32.
NOTE: All numbers are in HEXADECIMAL.
Bytes 0-17: Player Name
Byte 2a: Map Number
Byte 34: Chaos Emeralds (This works by the bit.
00000001 would be 1 emerald,
00000011 (03) would be 2,
00000111 (07) would be 3, and so on. The table continues like this:
00001111 (0F) 4
00011111 (1F) 5
00111111 (3F) 6
01111111 (7F) all 7
11111111 (FF) 8, if you want them.
Bytes 45e-45f: Number Of Lives
Byte 456: Color
Byte 457: Character (0=Sonic, 1=Tails, 2=Knuckles)
Bytes 458-45b: Score (In Hex, ex 98 53=21400)
Byte 462: Number Of Continues