S_skin help

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Ok, when you are doing the s_skin text file what do you put when you have things that say homing = and other stuff.
You put a number beside them.

homing = 1 enables homing attack for your character
homing = 0 (Default) disables homing for your character.
Here's a long list though.

name = <insert name no spaces!>
face = <insert picture of face>
facename = <insert picture of name>
ability = <0 = Sonic Speed Thok; 1 = Tails Fly; 2 = Knux Super Glide/Climb Combo; 3 = Super glide/no climb; 4 = Double jump; 5 = Super Sonic float; 6 = SA Walker hover 7 = Swim >
normalspeed = < insert number 1 - 36>
thrustfactor = < insert 3 - 6>
accelstart = <insert any number but over 4 digits here>
acceleration = <insert any number max 50>
spin = < 0 = no spin  1 = spin>
startcolor = <color change start>
prefcolor =  <prefered color in Single Player>
jumpheight = <1 - 100    prefered = 100>
boxindex =  < 0 = sonic__1 = tails__2= knuckles__3 = 1UP>
highres = < 0 = regular size____1 = smaller size>
runspeed = < break into running animation___ max normalspeed>
runonwater = < 0 = don't run on water____1 = run on water>
allowsuper = <0 = can't turn super___ 1 = turn super>
superspin =  <0 can't spin when super____ 1 = spin when super>
supercolor =  < change color in superform>
nojumpspin = 
superanims = < 0 = don't create more sprites for superform__ 1 = create extra sprites >
multiability =  < use ability unlimited times? 0 = no__ 1 = yes>
lightdash =   < allow lightdash like in SA?  0 = no___1 = yes>
homing =   < allow homing like in SA? 0 = no___ 1 = yes>
ringslinger =  < allow to shoot rings? 0 = no___ 1 = yes>
slingitem =  < SOC sprite number to sling>
spinitem =  < SOC sprite number to sling>
thokitem = <SOC sprite number to sling>
actionspd = < speed of ability>
waterskip = <can skip on water? spin must be turned on_ 0 = no_1 = yes>
mindash = < minimum dash on spin___ spin must be on>
maxdash = <maximum dash on spin___ max number is 90>
SRB2 version = < insert 109 for current SRB2 11 for new SRB2 coming soon>
Character < most recommanded 4> 
PlayerName = < your name in Single Player Selection>
MenuPosition = < not recommanded but put 6>
PicName =  < 128 x 128 pixeled, pic name>
SkinName = <name in S_SKIN>
Status = < recommanded 32>
PlayerText = <insert info>

If you don't like to read long text, then skip this!

EDIT: Thanks, for the SRB2Wiki so I didn't have to write the contents and with the < >, I had to do myself.
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