Can somebody make a rule to banish wad requests? It's starting to get really annoying.
hotdog003 said:PhpBB should have a 'merge topic' feature.
Back on topic, though... Maybe it would be nice, but I agree with Mystic because if you need help and want a working WAD to see how it works, then you'd have to request it.
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$lang['Reg_agreement'] = ’These are the rules for the SRB2 Message Board. \n\n1. Generally speaking, keep the board to the content that can be broadcast on network TV (Think \”The Simpsons\”) and use your own common sense as to what\’s allowed or not allowed on the board. \n\n2. Discussion of the following is prohibited: sex, pornography, hentai, hacking and warez in all forms, ROM distribution (although discussion on ROM hacking and emulators is permitted). \n\n3. Keep important topics on-topic. In Off-Topic, this can pretty much be ignored, and most topics are not important, but anything with a sticky or otherwise informative should stay on-topic. Also, totally useless posts are also not allowed. Please talk about the ruler of pie somewhere else. \n\n4. Usage of excessive punctuation, bad grammar, and general newbie-ness is extremely, extremely frowned upon. If you cannot type correctly, learn how to before you enter the board. \n\n5. Do not advertise your website, your forum, or anything else of that nature. However, posting a WAD or an image and asking for comments is perfectly acceptable. Basically, use common sense as to what is advertising and what is asking for feedback. \n\n6. Keep any arguments you have with other members outside of the board. Likewise, flaming, or mindless insulting of another user, is strictly prohibited. \n\n7. Signatures and avatars are a privilege, not a right. Avatars should be 144x144 pixels or less. Signature lines should be about 150 pixels tall, at the maximum. Both the signature and avatar should add up to no more than 20 KB (20480 bytes). \n\n8. Don\’t ask for netgames in the forum. We know this is an SRB2 forum, but using a forum to set up a netgame is clumsy and doens\’t work well. If you want to set up a netgame with someone, use IRC instead. You can find people to play with in the channels #srb2general or #srb2fun on EsperNet. \n\n9. Don\’t bump old topics. Unless you have something incredibly interesting or full of content, don\’t post in something more than a week old. \n\n10. The administrators are charged with maintaining order on the board using their own discretion. They are granted authority to do whatever they feel is necessary to accomplish this. If you don\’t like it, don\’t come back...\n';