
Ringboxcore v1.2

ProfessorRenderer submitted a new resource:

Ringboxcore - LET'S GO GAMBLING

This simple mod adds sounds from the gamblecore Flipnote meme each time you hit a Ring Box.

  • LET'S GO GAMBLING - When the player first hits a Ring Box and the roulette starts.​
  • AW DANGIT - When the player receives any Ring Box reward that isn't a Jackpot.​
  • The "good ending" feat. the Homer Simpson Beer Opener - When...​

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Hey, welcome to releases!
Just a heads up though, your Let's go gambling! voiceclip can still play if the player crosses over a ringbox whilst holding onto an item. I'd like to see this improved upon in a future update, this is real neat!
Good catch! I have an update in the cards that should fix everything.
aw dang it...
aw dang it...
aw dang it...
The "good ending" feat. Homer Simpson Beer Opener
I feel like this a stupid idea, but I can imagine a variation of landing the "Jackpot" would be "I can't stop winning!" from the sequel. Otherwise, this is a very funny mod for the Ring Boxes!