Ring Racers Suggestions

But you know what is? Ringsting. I'm being punished for bumping into another player, or them bumping into me while I'm spinning out. It's especially annoying when you can't avoid it.
But you know what is? Ringsting. I'm being punished for bumping into another player, or them bumping into me while I'm spinning out. It's especially annoying when you can't avoid it.
Avoid draining your rings completely unless you're very confident you'll be able to recover before someone catches up to you. If someone does, you can nail them with a well-timed instawhip (look back is useful). Do note that Class G (Eggman's corner of the stat grid) recovers from ring sting and spinout the best while class C (Sonic's corner) has the worst recovery.
Avoid draining your rings completely unless you're very confident you'll be able to recover before someone catches up to you. If someone does, you can nail them with a well-timed instawhip (look back is useful). Do note that Class G (Eggman's corner of the stat grid) recovers from ring sting and spinout the best while class C (Sonic's corner) has the worst recovery.
...which also leads me to bring up my worst scenario of Ringsting:
Playing Chemical Facility on Master.
(this track is so old, it existed before I was born. toxic palace was right there this track needs to rest imo)
I mean... why are you getting close to someone, or letting them get close to you, when you can see them charging the instawhip? The thing is, the instawhip is only usable when you have 0 rings, and keeping it charged sends you into ring debt. It's a highly risky and highly rewarding option for someone who's used up all their rings, and someone who's really good at the game is gonna get a lot of reward out of it. If you can nail them with an item, either they'll spend their instawhip to block it and need to recharge, or it'll knock 'em right out- not to mention, if you can manage to run into them, that'll make them spin out too. Regardless of how you feel it fits, it is a mechanic in the game, and the best thing to do if it's causing you so much trouble is to learn how to avoid getting hit by it.
Idk this all still feels kinda nonsense. The instawhip is like if you were in a footrace with someone and they shoved you on the ground the second you got close to them. I think it's just a ridiculous feature for a kart racing game lol.
That footrace comparison falls pretty flat considering all the other item-based means of attack...

Anyways, idk what else to tell you. I was trying to be helpful and constructive, and I'd say I pretty thoroughly explained not only the purpose of the instawhip but its use cases and counterplay, but rebuking with (mind my paraphrasing) "it's ridiculous nonsense"... Especially seeing as Ring Racers is already pretty full of stuff that could be considered 'ridiculous for a kart racing game'- need I mention Death Egg?-... I guess you could mod the instawhip out if you have the know-how, not that that'll help if you play on servers. Otherwise, your only options are to learn how to deal with it or just stop playing. Complaining about its existence isn't gonna make it go away.

While I'm at it, earlier you mentioned 'being punished for going faster than someone in a racing game'... You'd probably hate F-Zero. In X and GX for instance, boosting uses up your health bar (sound familiar?), and anyone ahead of you can jolt sideways to either send you careening into a wall, slowing you down and dealing more damage to you... or off the track entirely, eliminating you from the race outright. It's very punishing, and you have to learn how to deal with it to succeed, by playing more aggressively yourself, or more defensively. Unlike Ring Racers, when you get blown up in F-Zero, you're out of the race. And it's a lot easier to blow up in F-Zero. And while F-Zero isn't a kart racer with items, Ring Racers definitely carries some inspiration from it mechanically, and challenges the conventions of a more typical kart racing game. Think whatever you like about it, but that's the way the game is.
Idk this all still feels kinda nonsense. The instawhip is like if you were in a footrace with someone and they shoved you on the ground the second you got close to them. I think it's just a ridiculous feature for a kart racing game lol.
(i forgot to hit the quote button before i started typing oops)
That footrace comparison falls pretty flat considering all the other item-based means of attack...

Anyways, idk what else to tell you. I was trying to be helpful and constructive, and I'd say I pretty thoroughly explained not only the purpose of the instawhip but its use cases and counterplay, but rebuking with (mind my paraphrasing) "it's ridiculous nonsense"... Especially seeing as Ring Racers is already pretty full of stuff that could be considered 'ridiculous for a kart racing game'- need I mention Death Egg?-... I guess you could mod the instawhip out if you have the know-how, not that that'll help if you play on servers. Otherwise, your only options are to learn how to deal with it or just stop playing. Complaining about its existence isn't gonna make it go away.

While I'm at it, earlier you mentioned 'being punished for going faster than someone in a racing game'... You'd probably hate F-Zero. In X and GX for instance, boosting uses up your health bar (sound familiar?), and anyone ahead of you can jolt sideways to either send you careening into a wall, slowing you down and dealing more damage to you... or off the track entirely, eliminating you from the race outright. It's very punishing, and you have to learn how to deal with it to succeed, by playing more aggressively yourself, or more defensively. Unlike Ring Racers, when you get blown up in F-Zero, you're out of the race. And it's a lot easier to blow up in F-Zero. And while F-Zero isn't a kart racer with items, Ring Racers definitely carries some inspiration from it mechanically, and challenges the conventions of a more typical kart racing game. Think whatever you like about it, but that's the way the game is.

(i forgot to hit the quote button before i started typing oops)
Oh sorry. That was rude of me. I appreciate your insight and perspective, and the great thought you put into trying to explain it. I didn't really meant for that to be as a rebuke; I had just finally figured out how to word why instawhip feels wrong to me lol.
Anyway, I simply think items should be enough. I understand there's a risk-reward element to instawhip, but being able to attack other racers so freely feels like it feels like it gives people one option too many in their arsenal. Items should be enough. If you don't have items to defend yourself, then it should just be a matter of who's faster. Players having a melee attack they can whip out all willy nilly is just super weird and frustrating to me. I don't think it has any place in a kart racer; but as you pointed out, the same can be said for many aspects of this game, which I agree with. Like, why do you drop items when you get hit by explosives? Why do they make it a point to tell you growth and top can bypass tripwires, but so many of this game's tripwire shortcuts will straight up kill you if you don't use speed items like the sneakers or invincibility. It makes no sense. This game is brilliant but very weird.
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