Reusability, Ports, and Author's Returns

Could you elaborate on what you wished for us to discuss?
Well, alright..
A lot of these points are from Sandwichface's video, so sorry if I sound like I'm copying an essay, because I am. Sort of.
First of all..
What about teams? If one of the people leave, and decide that their content is nonreusable, that could very much damage something just because of one person. And you know the internet. You can't just ask them to be nice.
Second of all, can things be entirely reusable code? If so, then that should be changed. My idea is that atleast one major piece of code should be written by the author. (Major decided on the judges.)
And also, what if someone decides to take some code, but they misread the permissions? A simple mistake can cause a lot of problems. And that 13+ limit doesn't help.
Rule 12: Do not bump threads pointlessly. Talking about hypothetical drama to a post doesn't do anything but invite it in the first place.
Oh boy, I can't wait to see the flood of hate comments for
Well, alright..
A lot of these points are from Sandwichface's video, so sorry if I sound like I'm copying an essay, because I am. Sort of.
First of all..
What about teams? If one of the people leave, and decide that their content is nonreusable, that could very much damage something just because of one person. And you know the internet. You can't just ask them to be nice.
Second of all, can things be entirely reusable code? If so, then that should be changed. My idea is that atleast one major piece of code should be written by the author. (Major decided on the judges.)
And also, what if someone decides to take some code, but they misread the permissions? A simple mistake can cause a lot of problems. And that 13+ limit doesn't help.
because people hate Sandiwchface! Hold on lemme grab my popcorn this is gonna get entertaining
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Oh boy, I can't wait to see the flood of hate comments for (PotatoCroatio's post) because people hate Sandiwchface! Hold on lemme grab my popcorn this is gonna get entertaining
This comment really wasn't needed.
And also, what if someone decides to take some code, but they misread the permissions? A simple mistake can cause a lot of problems. And that 13+ limit doesn't help.
Then I'm pretty sure a MB Admin/Mod will take care of the issue.
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Oh boy, I can't wait to see the flood of hate comments for

because people hate Sandiwchface! Hold on lemme grab my popcorn this is gonna get entertaining
Comments like this don't contribute to the conversation, please stop egging others on to harass Sandwichface. Everyone should be civil with each other.

Well, alright..
A lot of these points are from Sandwichface's video, so sorry if I sound like I'm copying an essay, because I am. Sort of.
First of all..
What about teams? If one of the people leave, and decide that their content is nonreusable, that could very much damage something just because of one person. And you know the internet. You can't just ask them to be nice.
The rules we made for porting are specifically for addons that are not open assets (we don't use the term "reusable" anymore).
You can no longer stop people from porting your addons so long as the port follows our guidelines.

Second of all, can things be entirely reusable code? If so, then that should be changed. My idea is that atleast one major piece of code should be written by the author. (Major decided on the judges.)
We already have a rule that demands addons to have some sort of original asset (graphical or Lua code). For characters specifically, you don't need any original Lua code if the sprites are completely original (made or commissioned by the author). Of course, without original sprites then you would have to include original Lua to justify the release.

And also, what if someone decides to take some code, but they misread the permissions? A simple mistake can cause a lot of problems. And that 13+ limit doesn't help.
All addons go through a review process, so if anything like that happens then a Judge will notice it, inform the author of the issues, and then reject the addon from being publicly published on this platform.
However for ports, if the Lua was originally included in the addon then it's fair game for the port. You can also edit it or modify it to fix bugs, make features that broke in the new version to actually work, re-create features that were removed from SRB2 and used for that addon, and any other reason listed in the guidelines.

TL;DR: Read and understand all the port-specific guidelines and you'll be fine.
Well, alright..
A lot of these points are from Sandwichface's video, so sorry if I sound like I'm copying an essay, because I am. Sort of.
First of all..
I'll help break this down to explain the specific situations.

What about teams? If one of the people leave, and decide that their content is nonreusable, that could very much damage something just because of one person. And you know the internet. You can't just ask them to be nice.

You cannot take back the open asset status of a project after release, regardless if a team member demands it or not. The most they can do is leave and refuse development or bug fixes. If this is a closed assets release, then a member of the team has the right to refuse to allow their content to be used in a future release. They cannot prevent someone from making a straight port either, because a porter does not need permission to port a project in the first place. The only restriction is that it must be as faithful as possible to the original release of the port.

Second of all, can things be entirely reusable code? If so, then that should be changed. My idea is that atleast one major piece of code should be written by the author. (Major decided on the judges.)

I'm unsure what you mean by being entirely reusable code, do you mean a situation of someone replacing code/adding code to a port that is entirely their own? If a person's code is entirely their own, then they would be free to release it as their own release.

And also, what if someone decides to take some code, but they misread the permissions? A simple mistake can cause a lot of problems. And that 13+ limit doesn't help.

A judge would inform them to remove the code or seek permission from the original creator. This isn't something that can happen with Lua/SOC released as open assets however, and doesn't really have much to do with porting either unless a person uses another person's code unrelated to the port to try and replicate features.
Comments like this don't contribute to the conversation, please stop egging others on to harass Sandwichface. Everyone should be civil with each other.
Oh please I'm not asking anyone to egg on the dude, it's just that people do it too much and way too disrespectfully. I get that sometimes people can come off as aggressive, but that doesn't me we should respond with aggressiveness too. I wish we could be civil, but these debates have really rifted the community, and I've only been here for like 2 years. Hopefully the addition of Ports should heal it though.

TLDR; don't harass Sandwichface for having a different opinion.
I am aware where the intent comes from and don't disagree much with the message myself, but that doesn't really mean it's fitting to make that kind of commented when it isn't happening in the first place.
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Oh please I'm not asking anyone to egg on the dude, it's just that people do it too much and way too disrespectfully. I get that sometimes people can come off as aggressive, but that doesn't me we should respond with aggressiveness too. I wish we could be civil, but these debates have really rifted the community, and I've only been here for like 2 years. Hopefully the addition of Ports should heal it though.

TLDR; don't harass Sandwichface for having a different opinion.
That doesn't mean you can stick the comment into this discussion. It doesn't really belong here.
Oh please I'm not asking anyone to egg on the dude, it's just that people do it too much and way too disrespectfully. I get that sometimes people can come off as aggressive, but that doesn't me we should respond with aggressiveness too. I wish we could be civil, but these debates have really rifted the community, and I've only been here for like 2 years. Hopefully the addition of Ports should heal it though.

TLDR; don't harass Sandwichface for having a different opinion.
Tbh Sandwichface complains about everything in srb2 from the looks of it, even when showing off somebody's first level mod he quite literally shows it in a "series" called "SRB2 Trash Bin"
Tbh Sandwichface complains about everything in srb2 from the looks of it, even when showing off somebody's first level mod he quite literally shows it in a "series" called "SRB2 Trash Bin"
And that's pretty much what Pika was talking about. That is NOT the topic of this thread, move along please.
Off-topic post, this warning goes for anyone else who continues to get involve with it.
Tbh Sandwichface complains about everything in srb2 from the looks of it, even when showing off somebody's first level mod he quite literally shows it in a "series" called "SRB2 Trash Bin"
This is literally what I was saying not to do.
You just proved my point :shitsfree:
I do not want to see any more posts related to the ongoing discussion relating to what Banjo brought up about SandwichFace, either referring to him or about how talking about him is off-topic either.
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So, question: Do the judges open up the port in SLADE to see if there is anything inside it that makes it ok to be opened to the public on the MB?
So, question: Do the judges open up the port in SLADE to see if there is anything inside it that makes it ok to be opened to the public on the MB?
Yeah, we will both play the addon and also inspect it using SLADE.
We'll do the same with the original addon; play it in an older version of SRB2 and inspect the file contents to compare.

What we see on the screen will most likely influence our choice, and you being honest about the changes you had to make by listing all such changes in the changelog text file will increase your chances of the port being accepted.
This is what I was hoping would happen with the port discussion! The only reason I'd consider editing a mod is to port it to a later version or fix bugs in mods by inactive creators, if a creator is still active and open to feedback then I'll report the bugs and wait for a proper update. (They know more about how their code works than I do)
Oh hey, my rights have been returned! :shitsfree:
Got a genuine question: what's the rule for a port of a mod that's a team effort? I know almost every SRB2 has some collabs in them, but I mean like an actual team, like Team CombiRings for example. They are over 15 creators on that team, all with different personalities and views. So what's the go on say, porting something like the Chaotix? That was a major group effort. I highly doubt they yes/no of one guy on the team would fly. Curious to hear an answer.
Oh hey, my rights have been returned! :shitsfree:
Got a genuine question: what's the rule for a port of a mod that's a team effort? I know almost every SRB2 has some collabs in them, but I mean like an actual team, like Team CombiRings for example. They are over 15 creators on that team, all with different personalities and views. So what's the go on say, porting something like the Chaotix? That was a major group effort. I highly doubt they yes/no of one guy on the team would fly. Curious to hear an answer.
you do not need anyone's permission to port a mod, so whether it was a team effort or not does not matter
You cannot take back the open asset status of a project after release, regardless if a team member demands it or not. The most they can do is leave and refuse development or bug fixes. If this is a closed assets release, then a member of the team has the right to refuse to allow their content to be used in a future release. They cannot prevent someone from making a straight port either, because a porter does not need permission to port a project in the first place. The only restriction is that it must be as faithful as possible to the original release of the port.
Would this apply to Fsonic too? I have the walk animation in SRB2 the Past because it was used during 2.2 development as a placeholder for the updated sprites and at the time it was marked as reusable (old system), but some time after the frames were added, Reusability/open asset status was taken away.
it was used during 2.2 development as a placeholder for the updated sprites
If you're saying that Fsonic's walk animation was officially used by STJR during v2.2's development, such that it was found within player.dta or whatever the file's equivalent was back then, then I'd be surprised if that animation in particular didn't count as a vanilla asset, whereas vanilla means accessible by the game without any addons at all, which also means accessible without the Fsonic addon; if that's so, then the re-usability system shouldn't really matter in that particular case since all vanilla assets are automatically re-usable... I think?
Now if you were talking about a part of Fsonic that wasn't used in v2.2's development, then that'd be a different story.
Or perhaps I've misinterpreted what was said.
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