- New Official Record Tracker (beta!)

Apparently, if you get tied on score\rings with someone, it will show you being at the same place as them, even if there is a difference in time (which is a tiebreaker)
Time is only used to show the "best" record in the page for the zone because it's better (to me) than just saying "30 people have this same record". But everyone who has the same record is considered to be in first place nevertheless.
犬夜叉;747959 said:
Submit your replays and compare them with other players! (main, preferred URL) (alternate URL in case the first has issues) lets you submit replays from the game and compare all your best stats with everyone else! No new accounts required -- it uses your SRB2MB account. Feel free to submit even if you're not the best -- the system is designed so everyone can see how they rank up with everyone else, not just view the one best record!

The site is currently in beta, and not entirely finished, but most features are working.
Well uh, ThatAwesomeGuy73 told me about this long time ago I mean 1-2 years ago and it looks pretty cool though. EDIT: Damn it, I forgot this was made in 2014.
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The site has been given a rather large upgrade as of a few days ago. Stuff that's been added or changed is as follows:

  • Better support for older versions. Replays from any version after and including 2.1.7 (where the replay format was changed) can now be uploaded. However, level design changes may cause additional limitations to which replays you may submit still.
  • Older replays can now be displayed / hidden by clicking the "Show older versions" checkbox at the top right of the screen.
  • When replays from older versions are being displayed, the exact version number is displayed instead of a simple exclamation mark.
  • Stylistic changes to the 'position' column for records, as well as an addition to make ties much more clear.
  • The time for score/rings records is now only displayed in the event of a tie.
  • In the maps screen, if there is a tie for 1st place in a statistic, the number of users with the same record is now shown along with the name of the person with the fastest time (or alternatively, the person who submitted it first).
  • A proper map list was added.
  • Support for records for modifications, to be extended on in the future. As of now you may add records for SRB1 Remake as well as the regular game.
  • When browsing maps and/or records pages, a location timeline appears on the top left of the screen, allowing you to go back to previous pages without needing to go through the map list again.
  • Improvements to how the SRB2 fonts are loaded and displayed.
  • There is now a minimum width size, so the page will no longer wind up squished in smaller resolutions (a scrollbar will be shown instead).

It's my hope that the site will be fully complete by the time we release the next version of the game, and will be more widely available after that point; in other words, linked from the front page of the MB and on the sidebar of
I found a glitch with the site, if someone has a record for more than one character, when you look at the records table for everyone (Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles), It will show the record for only one character.

You should probably know, your second image link is broken (you used the URL of the page for the image rather than the image itself by mistake).
Well, it seems the URL of the broken second image is the page on imgur itself that displays the image you uploaded.
By the way, when will the records for Mystic Realm and SUGOI start showing up?
Cause I've seen the MR index and people already submitted some for SUGOI, but sadly, they are only seen from latest submissions.
I couldn't upload a Sonic WR replay in CEZ1. (0:58.02) It's made in 2.1.16. The site says:
Sorry! An error occurred while trying to upload your replay.

Replay is for a map that this site does not support. Are you submitting an unsupported mod's replay, or a replay for an older version, perhaps?
You can see it here though:
There were a couple levels that had subtle changes in 2.1.15 that I forgot about, and didn't update the site to accommodate it. That's fixed. The tables for multiple characters are also fixed.

As for SUGOI, I'm waiting for v1.1.
So, what exactly does it take for a mod to get a spot on the recordboard? I mean, I know that Sugoi has a spot now, yet people have posed interest in mystic realm getting a spot, with it not having one as of yet, so that makes me wonder: What makes a mod deserving of its place? And what mods /won't/ be getting places?
I just submitted a new record time on THZ1, and got a message that told 2.1.17 seems to be considered as an "older version" on Not that it would matter much, but wanted to let you know.

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