Rate the above user's avatar! Version 2

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Shadow the fox, that's pathetic. Apparently you've never heard of Botanic Serenity Zone. 8/10 for Digi's avatar. It would have gotten 9/10 if it were in OpenGL mode. D:

Shadow the fox gets 7/10.
FoxBlitzz said:
It would have gotten 9/10 if it were in OpenGL mode. D:
Actually, I kinda like the pixelated view more than the "blurred." I dunno why.

As for you, Foxblitzz, 8/10. The sprites are looking good so far.
Blue Warrior said:
I kinda like the pixelated view more than the "blurred."

No, I said it because of the ugly semi-gray shade that semi-transparencies give off. I want my waterfall to be 100% blue, thank you very much.

As for Callum, yay for ASCII Kirby. And it's a tad dated, I think. 7/10.
9/10, very nice Yoshi sprites, but the belly should be white of not off-white(if its going to be a character WAD, you can use XWE's colorremap to make the off-white white).
FireLaserbeam said:
but the belly should be white of not off-white

In Yoshi's Island, Yoshi's belly was somewhat peach-colored. Infact, I'm basing a lot of the shading off the Yoshi's Island style.

And Blue Warrior gets 6/10. Where are his arms?
Holy Hedgehog, 75 pages?!?! Wow, I guess being AWOL for a week has its consequences.
FireLaserBeam: 9/10. Nicely detailed model; I just want to know what the hey it's supposed to be.
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