Rate Every MAJOR SRB2 Update


Shoot- I got sand in my eye !!
I wanted to share my opinions on every major version of SRB2.

Like how good was the update for it's time?

If you feel like sharing, rate the following versions, -/10, and why, please.
Versions to rate:
TGF, Halloween, Christmas (Any version), Demo 1, 2, and 3, Demo 4.0, Final Demo (Any version), 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2.

My ratings, in order:
2/10, Hard to control, in my opinion.
5/10, OK. level design, and physics were kinda funky.
5/10, a good start.
6/10, better, and more levels added. Techno Hill being one of them, and my favorite level.
7/10, match mode added, and other stuff.
9/10, Capture The Flag added, My Favorite Game mode.
7/10, Lots of things added, No way to disable full-screen.
8/10, Longest running series.
9/10, New, best version in my opinion, hyped beyond belief in the community.

Edit: You can also rate the unused levels in the older and current versions, as well.
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I discovered SRB2 with the 2.1 so I cannot really express an opinion but I'm pretty sure that the 2.2 is a 9/10 because of how polished things now are and how much content was added into it.
I can't rate most versions because I don't remember anything substantial about them (I kinda was a baby until 2006? And I still was a baby hahaha.)
But I can surely rate these versions:
1.x [8/10] - I remember not knowing what emblems were and what they were for, but I tried to find them I got like 5 emblems.
Really cool secret right there, they gave us a hidden version of RVZ1 and I loved it, I didn't remember playing it but I felt nostalgic.
Loved CEZX songs, really made me feel like it was the end of something (I'm actually listening to it while typing all of this and I'm crying).
The match though, it brings so many good memories of playing with my brother; he was so rough with me at it and I was really bad too, I didn't use the mouse either which made it harder.
2.0 [8/10] - I remember a random summer (of 2009? Can't tell) and I was playing a random tournament with him (don't remember what was it about but it was in 2008?Can't remember either. Then my brother brought a USB with that version, I couldn't play until I was done the homework my parents invented, but I got to play it though and felt amazing and had more control, that's the version I grew up with. Seeing RVZ being implemented was the greatest experiences I've had because it didn't change that much and brought so many memories.
CEZ though, was better because of the rain... I really felt like I was going through the last thing ever when all of the sudden ERZ appears and I was choked, loved the last fight.
2.1 [9/10] - The controls improved and they added more shields and a Metal Sonic fight... It's just pure improvement.
2.2 [9/10] I don't want to critique this version, it's the greatest improvement overhauling and all that. But it feels too overwhelming and too many changes were made, kinda like it's not the same game anymore. I'd say it's no way better than 2.1, it's just different and added some slopes (which should've been implemente way before, look at Kalaron's mod, and you'll see what I expected).
I'll just rate the updates I play a significant amount of (I found this game around Final Demo era)

Christmas - 6/10 - Not great, but fun to replay during the Christmas season, surprisingly decent length considering. And the first mountain range level is fun. Definitely has issues of the levels feeling too Doom-ish in a lot of cases, especially in the second half.

Final Demo - 7/10 - Level deign has obviously aged (especially with the awful Castle Eggman Levels) but the special stages were pretty good and it was probably the height of SRB2 having those weird secrets (like Red Volcano and the Christmas mode.)

2.0 - 8/10 - Brings me back to 2010 / 2011. Solid stuff, even if going from ACZ - RVZ - ERZ1 in the span of 5 minutes felt weird. The new music that was added for the update was great. ACZ and ERZ are my favorite tracks in the game (ERZ is still goat in my book). New level design is decent, I think Deep Sea is awful in this version though. Until 2.2 I didn't really understand the issue with this version of CEZ.

2.1 - 7/10 - It definitely feels like a bridge between old SRb2 and Modern SRB2 and it kinda makes the whole experience feel very incomplete. THZ2 feels very out of place as does the Metal Sonic race. Also it felt like every unused track was just tossed into some new section that vaguely fits it. Like the boss remix on Metal Sonic, it made the soundtrack feel smaller than it was. An essential update but definitely a bit lopsided.

2.2 - 9/10 - Fantastic update. The new soundtrack is better than the original (besides Eggrock) and the new tracks that were added are fantastic. The new bonus levels are a lot of fun and the revamped single player campaign is fantastic. Even levels I hated in prior versions (RVZ / DSZ) are awesome in this. Besides some weirdness (some spring placement is confusing, but the worst ones were fixed). Overall it is finally a game that feels finished even if it still isn't by a fair bit. And the visual presentation is phenomenal.
Overall it is finally a game that feels finished even if it still isn't by a fair bit. And the visual presentation is phenomenal.

Well put. Frankly, if this was called "final" I would accept it as a finished game. I know it lacks levels and acts, but most Sonic game usually have a level or two that is either a one-act or has an extra one attached to it.
I've tried out several old versions of SRB2 and I have to say, 2.0 and prior are almost unplayable compared to 2.2. The confusing menu interface, the sometimes unfair and labyrinthine level designs, some rather dated visuals (especially the shield monitors), lack of ability to retry if you get lost in a level, the game not resetting your lives back to 3 after a game over, so much more, all make me have a hard time enjoying 2.0, 1.09.4, or anything before those.

2.1 holds up pretty well and has some decent levels and a much more modernized interface, but everything about it pales in comparison to the glory of 2.2, most of all three big things: the presence of slopes, the greatly improved music, and the Deep Sea boss no longer being painfully hard. Music is a huge part of my enjoyment of a Sonic game and much of the pre-2.2 music honestly kind of sucks. The old Deep Sea boss sticks out like a sore thumb in difficulty curve, which is why I listed it among the three big improvements.

SRB2 2.2 is easily the best Sonic game I've ever played, and arguably the best video game I've ever played in my entire life. I could go on and on and on about how much I love it, but aside from three big improvements from 2.1, I think what I like most about this game is the insane amounts of detail put in the levels and the vast amount of secret unlockable content.
2.1 holds up pretty well and has some decent levels and a much more modernized interface, but everything about it pales in comparison to the glory of 2.2,

I've mentioned this before, but I feel like 2.1 has more in common with 2.2 than it does with 2.0, which on the face of it seems backward since 2.0 and 2.1 share almost all level design/music/graphics etc.

2.2 feels like a much better (but fundamentally similar) game built upon the foundation of 2.1, whereas something definitely changed between 2.0 and 2.1. The best way I can describe it is that it feels like the dev team switched from treating SRB2 as a fangame to treating it as if it were a retail game.
I've mentioned this before, but I feel like 2.1 has more in common with 2.2 than it does with 2.0, which on the face of it seems backward since 2.0 and 2.1 share almost all level design/music/graphics etc.

2.2 feels like a much better (but fundamentally similar) game built upon the foundation of 2.1, whereas something definitely changed between 2.0 and 2.1. The best way I can describe it is that it feels like the dev team switched from treating SRB2 as a fangame to treating it as if it were a retail game.
I agree a lot with this considering the vast improvements in the menu interface and overall accessibility to new players from 2.0 to 2.1. 2.1 is really the first version that looks and plays anything like an official Sonic game, and 2.2 improves on that even more.
To be honest if SRB2 2.2 was an official game sold by Sega it would've been a commercial and critical success.
I've started with Srb2 1.09.4 so I can't really say that much about the previous updates, but the update from Final Demo to 2.0 really was a high leap and a start of a new era. 2.0 added almost every single level from the plans, also major game improvements such as redefining the ringslinger gametype. Back then there was no lua and people were more invested in mapping rather than spriting or coding, that's probably because of the clans existence which were competitive and most of the times you found match and ctf servers running 24/7, so that's probably part of the reason why mapping had more spotlight than other ways of creativity (though I can be wrong). I can't lie or hide, but RP was also another type that was very popular among us, but there were mixed opinions since some people found it ok and not harming the community and other people just couldn't bear the thought that such thing even exists in srb2, but from my own experience they weren't really bad at all. They were somewhat kind of relaxing after a ringslinger session or after beating a map pack.

2.1 was more or less of repolishing stuff and adding some new features such as lua but thinking about it now, I don't really see why this version was overhyped for 3 - 4 years, but whatever. At the beginning of 2.1 days, clans fully disappeared and ringslinger servers were slowly dying. OLDC died after July - August 2015 contest and fast forward to 2016, the devs released a version with slopes which impacted a lot in mapping and also brought new people with a lot of devotion. Sugoi replaced OLDC, which was way more lenient than the contest itself since it encouraged people to make some maps and to not be apprehensive of any kind of judges like OLDC did (you can say that Sugoi trilogy is more or less a spiritual successor of the contest, I'll let you decide this). 2.1 didn't had a major impact in the game itself but a major impact in the community itself with it's new features and so a balance was established. All kinds of modding began to be at equal terms since people started to also code, sprite, tune creating instead of just mapping and the content creation ratio got really immense to the point we even released this community project trilogy SUGOI. In my opinion if 2.1 never had this impact in the community and only in the gameplay, Sugoi would've never been a thing in the first place, that's my opinion.

2.2 literally but literally reformed both gameplay and community with it's monstrous update, although the community still needs to adapt to 2.2 so we can see the results this version can give it to us. Gameplay wise, this is a colossal update and 2.0 hardly rivals this one. The levels got rehauled by a long shot, rising each level to their peak and beyond, also some levels were completely remade such as Deep Sea and Castle Eggman, also marking the completion of Arid Canyon (which ironically 2.2 was only supposed to include the completion of ACZ). I also love the repolished levels so they can hit the 2.2 standards. Community wise, still unknown where or how far will it go but I already see new people starting their own mods and I can hope for the best. ULDC (Unofficial Level Design COLLAB, not contest) became a thing and I'm more than ready for it.

So in short

2.2 >>> 2.0 > 2.1 > 1.09.4

2.1 = 2.2 > 2.0 > 1.09.4

I don't know how 2.3 will end up, but for now 2.2 is peak.
2.2? including the missing red volcano acts?
Yes, I am serious.

I'd rather have a game with 5 full zones (not counting Black Core as it is basically a Boss Rush like X and XX from the Advance serie) than an underwhelming game like Sonic Forces for the simple reason that SRB2 feels 10x more complete than the latest Modern Sonic game made by Sega.
I played versions 2.1 and 2.2, and 2.2 was in fact a pretty big leap in terms of level design and gameplay. Some of 2.1's levels (like Deep Sea and Castle Eggman) just seem drab to me now because of how amazing the new versions look.

In the age where every game you purchase could vanish as soon as a server or service shuts off, it is good to have offline, high quality, DRM free FOSS games to support (as there are too few of these currently).

I like it enough now that I am playing custom content along with making it.
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In the age where every game you purchase could vanish as soon as a server or service shuts off, it is good to have offline, high quality, DRM free FOSS games to support (as there are too few of these currently).
This is the sad state of the current videogame industry...

But let's focus on the subject here, SRB2 is basically an indie Sonic game and you can tell a lot of love has been put into.
My rating:
TGF - 7/10 - Feels like SRB1, but the spin ability and the spindash.
Halloween - --/10 - I never played this, but it was good.
Christmas - 8/10 - Works on Windows, not on DOS. When I load it on DOS and started the gameplay/demo, I got a SIVSEG error.
Demo 1 - 8.5/10 - I like it, but some parts may seem cranky...
Demo 2/3 - --/10 - Also never played it.
Demo 4 - 9/10 - It was cool, but sucked on Special Stage 2.
Final Demo - 9/10 - This is the only one I beat this version, without all Chaos Emeralds collected. It seems cool.
2.0 - 8.75/10 - It was good, but the differences.
2.1 - 9.5/10 - It was my first version to play, just as good.
2.2 - 9.75/10 - So many improvements, so many tweaks. It was GOOD and the other 2.1 mods work.
Seems like nostalgia has deceived me. 1.08 was the first version of Srb2 I played. And 1.09.4 probably the one I played the most. I booted up 10.9.4 and it really performed sub my expectations. Weird controls, jaggy gameplay (could be a hardware compatibility issue) and not fun special stages and something about the levels just didn't feel right. 6/10

I played the demos before that with the multithok in the past, but these aren't up to snuff at all now that we've been spoilt with 2.2. Multithok is broken fun anyway ;) 4/10
2.0 and before: I haven't played those yet
2.1: OK
2.2: The update I started with and my favourite so far.
Well,i discovered this game in the 2.0 era but when i was making the MDD page i had to play all of these previous versions.
so here i go:

TGF: 6/10 Significant upgrade from srb1
HALLOWEEN: 6/10 this one sure was a weird thing,but it's understable since this came out in only 45 days
Christmas: 8/10 this one upgraded srb2 in every aspect!,i also enjoyed the little history levels and secrets,i hope STJR brings this back as a side story
DEMO 1 & 2 7/10Not very interesting but anyway it was were techno hill was added.
FINAL DEMO: 8/10 I have to admit that i liked the old red volcano & mario koopa blast
2.0 : 7/10 i hate the old CEZ and DSZ but they get rid of ugly knux so yeah ,cool
2.1: 8/10 implemented several things and upgraded others very good,and they get rid of yet another knux
2.2: 9/10 now the game looks like a professional game! although DSZ2 Exists and amy is a thing lol
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TGF - 7/10. Pretty neat to look back at TGF and see how SRB1's engine evolved.
Halloween - 5/10. A good start to the Doom Legacy-based SRB2 era.
Christmas - 6/10. Similar to the Halloween Tech Demo.
Demo 1 - 6/10. A good start to GFZ.
Demo 2 - 6/10. Still a good start to GFZ.
Demo 3 - 5/10. "Now you can hurl yourself off a cliff- wait wHAT NO DON-"
Demo 4.0 - 6/10. A good start to THZ.
Final Demo - 7/10. The modding began here, and I love it - it begun even before the "official" release!
2.0 - 6/10. Simply nice.
2.1 - 9/10. I was born in 2.1's era, and since then I loved every moment of it.
2.2 - 9/10. I still am surprised by 2.2's graphics sometimes, they're just way too good!..
Well I'll keep my reply small and simple sense I haven't been around for that long.

SRB2 v2.0 - 8/10, I kinda like it mostly because of nostalgia but that can only go for so long but hey ERZ1 is actually kinda neat in some ways better than the later versions (and yes I did play v2.0 but only out of curiosity).

SRB2 v2.1 - 6/10, it's actually kinda weak in my opinion because the difficulty was slightly toned down in the places where I thought the difficulty was what made it fun and netgames were a hell for me because of how LUA was and how terrible my Chromebook was but don't get me wrong because it has it's good spots in many places.

SRB2 v2.2 - 9/10, it's almost perfect and especially with the whole Android port thing (unfortunately my Chromebook decided to be a cry baby and decided to have Linux problems so I never got to play versions 2.2.7 and 2.2.8 on Chromebook).

and because I want to and because I played it before.

SRB2Kart v1.0 - 10/10, it's fucking perfect and my opinion on it will never change.

SRB2 Christmas - 5/10, I played it a bit on my phone with a DOS emulator and I kinda liked the music but the game itself was pretty boring but it was impressive for it's time so I rated it a 5 instead of a 4.

I would rate the Holloween versions but I couldn't find out how to get them working on my DOS emulator and I would love to play the SRB1 versions but same thing happened but if an Android port is ever in production then they can count me in for beta testing because I've always wanted to play the SRB1 versions so in the meanwhile I'll preemptively rate the SRB1 versions a whopping 7/10 right now but my opinion may change in the future.

I wish that I could have played the 1.0 versions before but they don't really have Linux ports unless you search real hard and at the time I was dealing with real life things so I never got the chance, I joined the SRB2 community in 2017 and started to play SRB2 around 2018 and I'm proud to say that I enjoy every update in at least one way or another.

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