Random Mystic Realm Hype Topic

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The reason I use the GFZ sky there is because I'm using the other sky that would fit there already, cloudy, way too damn much as it is. Personally, I think that sky really sucks, and only use it because I have to. Also, if I changed the sky in Flame Rift to something else, it would have to be off of full-bright, which would be hard with so much lava to be a light source. I'd personally like to use a red sunset sky there if I can get one, but for now it'll remain GFZ.

I think this one might fit pretty well for FRZ. Figure volcanos always have thick black clouds bellowing from them...
Holy crap, Blaze, where is that from? That's great. I'd love to replace the crappy cloudy sky we have with that...
Forget where I dug it up, now. One of those things you find via Google Image Search on some dinky little webpage in the middle of nowhere on Geocities, as a background image or something, so I'd assume (hope) it's free for use. I use it in Pumpkin Castle's Sky:


Skims you say? And Buzzers? The new level looks cool, although the raising slime isn't really unique...

*End of Spoilers*

By the way Jason, why not just make the Poison Water have the Sluge 100 thingy?
All I know about Skims is that they are the hardest enemy to beat because whenever you load a level with on in it, the game crashes.
He means Buzz, a441.

For everyone interested, Mystic Realm 4 is now basically done. I have completed the maps, all that is left is tinkering and testing, and then of course, I have to wait for 1.09 to be released.
What do you think the "hint" is? If you expect 1.09 to be out soon, well, that'll be news to me.
Basically, the main purpose they fufill is that they force the player to keep moving when in deep water when they're overhead. If you stop and get air, you're fine, but if you stay and wait there for a while, you'll probably get bombed.
Actually, they're much older, they just stopped working for a long time. They originally were found in XMas.
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