Sniping needs skill.
We all had confusion or problems with the rail, and we have been all annoyed by his shooting conditions ... at the beggining.
You can keep the simple and basics weapons (Scatter...automatic / bounce ..) without problems. You can win victories with a mastery of basic weapons, especially with Scatter.
Then, if you feel bored and you are looking for more experience, launching you in the most accurate weapons, such as the Rail. The victories are likely to increase, of course !
Once the timing of the Rail Ring entered the brain, then it flows like water.
Takes account of my tips :
- A player that moves up and down is much easier to shoot than a player that moves left to right. This means that the rail should be used in many passages straight and wide as the main avenue of Cloud Palace. The only exception is the type of very large level (M. Match) because you can almost shoot anyone anywhere with Rail ...
- Prediction for ever ! It also refers to the timing and experience. Analysis where the Sonic will land, when his thok will be finished. It is a mastery that is learned by playing. But do not give up, everyone can get to control its targeting, ok ?
- A game mode that I built myself is to be sneaky and quiet. Rail enemies who do not see you. Then, if you're target has been affected OR if it has avoided the shoot, hide behind a wall. Bears his confusion and attack his back, because it's much easier to shoot it when it don't understand the situation !