Morph said:So this is interesting... When I wanted to use other pictures or models I always replaced some of those already existing ones. Might anyone explain how to point to them with a soc?
If I want to have an enemy a custom sprite for example without replacing an existing one, what do I have to do?
I know how to use freeslots of things and frames... But with soc edit you just can point the frame's sprites to a free slotnumber. I was asking how to integrate a new sprite into one of these freeslots. So I can handle my new sprites the same way as the ones that are already within the sourcecode.SMS said:Use one of the many freeslots in SOCs. Make the stats to whatever you want. When you are done, go to states and use some of the freeslots there. Make them point to the things version of freeslot.
..........I think I forgot to tell something. But what was, it was something about the sprite'll get on to that once I've looked into the SOCedit again.