I think I've grasped the problem. When tagging multiple sectors to a Floating Bobbing FOF, you expect them to be the same FOF, right? Right, that way, when you jump on one all bob equally. The thing is, it pretty much screws things up when you have too many of them. They seem to bob more quickly the more sectors you tag, until you have so many the game doesn't seem to bob at all, being so fast.
This bug can be found in DSZ1, at the large room with the "waterfalls" that come from the ceiling and where Sonic's emblem is, where 6 sectors are tagged to the same Floating Bobbing FOF. In this case, none actually seem to bob at all. The bug, however, is not on the room with the unclimbable walls and the little wall maze for knuckles, since all 4 floating platforms have an individual FOF.