Puyo Carnival

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Has anyone ever heard of puyo? If you never have heard of it, just ask. I have been looking for a puyo game that is for the PC released by sega for free. I have been to the website to download it, but the link has expired. I have desperatly looking for it, if anyone has it or something, could you upload it PLEASE!!! I looked for a very long time for it, THANK YOU!!! If you want to talk about puyo too, then that's okay.
The link expired? That stinks. I was thinking of downloading it once I get my computer to run XP. I think you can make custom characters. I sure hope so, because if I get it, I found PPFever styled pictures of all the Rozen Maidens
I am glad someone has heard of the game. You can make your characters. There quite a bit but my favorite is Sonic. For some reason he is in his extreme gear. I have the files to put him in the game, it's just that I need the game! I can post the link to the game but that won't help.
Chao Freak 1 said:
I hope that someone has the link. I want to try to make my own characters!

EDIT: I think I found the download link!!!! I can't open it, since I'm on a mac, but please someone tell me if this is it or not.

I tried that link, but the setup does not want to work. I found a torrent for the game, but I cannot post the link right now because I have really dumb bros and a dumb sis who erased my favorites with the link in it, I can find the link really quick so I will try, if I can't find it again, I will try uploading it.
I would really like that too. Could you possibly make it a .zip file? I can take it to my cousin if it's a torrent, but I can't untorrent things on my computer.
Before I upload the torrent or the game, I gotta tell you, the file is about 800 MB, so I might just upload the torrent, but I will be seeding as much as I can.
Dude...I grew up with this game...

Execpt it was called Skittles...but it had the same gameplay...

Now it's called Candy Crisis...Y'know...Copyright reasons
That's because Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine and Kirby's Avalanche were the American port of Puyo Puyo 1. They removed the original characters and put in characters the American audience would recognize for name recognition. Kinda sad we never got Puyo Puyo Tsu, because it introduced much better gameplay (counters, all clear, etc.)
I also wish we had Puyo 15th. Although I'll probably get it for christmas, I still wish it came to the USA. I love it. They brought back that horrible fish guy. Also, I know I probably won't get an answer, but can someone explain chu(pink) puyo to me? I think I get it, but I'm just making sure.
The pink puyo? That is in Puyo Puyo Fever 2, I haven't played that one yet. I also wish that Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary was released here in America. My friend has it for the Nintendo DS, it's so much fun! There are more modes to play like, endless fever mode, frozen puyo mode flipping puyo, puyo in water, there's a big list of modes, my friend can beat me bad because he was the one who introduced me to the game, we play single pak mode with our DSs.
I think Im getting it for christmas! Yay! I think pink puyo are nuisance puyo, but I'm not sure. If google translated it correctly, I understand.
I should play you Wi-Fi when you get it, if you get it for DS, I will borrow it from my friend, if he lets me. For christmas, I will just ask for either a Wii or $45. The $45 will be to buy Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games for DS, it comes out January 22, 2008, $5 to preorder it and $35 to buy, and $5 just to have in my pocket. I would mostly like the Wii so I can get Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I'll be Sonic. I'll get the game even if I do not have a Wii yet, I did that for Sonic Rush before I had a DS. It took me a year to finally get my DS.
Sorry. I know this is a bump, but I have a question. I got Puyo 15th for the DS, but my wi-fi code has letters in it. This game only gives me numbers. Can anyone help me?
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