Shadow Hog said:Exactly as it would be in the console.
FuriousFox said:FLB, the autoexec.cfg file is mainly just a list of console commands to do as soon as the game is started. That's it.
FuriousFox said:FLB, the autoexec.cfg file is mainly just a list of console commands to do as soon as the game is started. That's it.
Yeah, exactly. It just allows you to execute commands as soon as the game is started.Flame_the_hedgehog said:FuriousFox said:FLB, the autoexec.cfg file is mainly just a list of console commands to do as soon as the game is started. That's it.
it can be used for executing other Txt files, or choosing your skin right in the start of a map
Step 3: Now the above was just a example. The game will now enter the ''Its a me: Firelaserbeam'' message when you enter a netgame, and i will automaticly turn autoaim on. It will also give you a option to lower the cam if you press the ''0'' button.say Its a me: FireLaserBeam!
Alias FLBaim autoaim on
Alias FLBcam cam_height 3
bind 0 FLBcam
Sorry, stuff like that irretates me.What Silver Sonic should have said:What about screenshots? I'd like to be able to bind screenshots to a key
bind 1 screenshot