Nathan Speed
I've been here a while, and I guess it's about time for me to put up my first WAD. Purity Lake has gone though three changes in design, two failed. THIS design, however, was the best and didn't crash when I loaded the wad up. I KNOW, lots of people make grassy Match WAD's, but I rather like the design.
That's most of the level, taken with Tails while flying.
Another screen, taken from almost the same place, from a lower angle.
Download Link Here --->
Like it? Dislike it? Think it's too small? (Thinking of enlarging it myself...) Whadda think?
EDIT: Removed the Automatic ring. Also removed one other Rail ring, leaving one Rail and one Infinity. Added a Player 1 start, so you can work it in Single Player mode. Graphical bugs have been fixed, can I get some comments on the layout please?
That's most of the level, taken with Tails while flying.
Another screen, taken from almost the same place, from a lower angle.
Download Link Here --->
Like it? Dislike it? Think it's too small? (Thinking of enlarging it myself...) Whadda think?
EDIT: Removed the Automatic ring. Also removed one other Rail ring, leaving one Rail and one Infinity. Added a Player 1 start, so you can work it in Single Player mode. Graphical bugs have been fixed, can I get some comments on the layout please?