Posted by Rob Tisdell - February 25, 2015
The codebase has been moved to a new location and now is managed through git. git is a distributed source versioning system that is very flexible and allows everyone to reap the benefits of version control without having direct access to the "upstream" repository. The code is hosted at -- you may create an account and fork the [STJr/SRB2] repo to help out with development or host your mod!
The move to git and GitLab has some nice implications for you:
- You can host your source mods and contributions alongside the same location as the SRB2 codebase.
- We are opening up development a bit, so that you will have access to in-development code past the last release. Obviously, we are keeping anything that involves spoilers internal, but we are going to try to make as much of our code public as we can.
- Due to the above, it is easier to keep your source mod up to date with the official codebase now.
- You can also submit issues directly to the public repo to help us keep track of bugs!
And for us, there are many benefits too. The least of which is that we have a better way to review code before it gets delivered to you guys. Yay for less bugs!
In addition to GitLab, the existing public GitHub repo will be kept up-to-date. If you prefer contributing through GitHub, you may continue doing that, but we will be hosting the issues repo from GitLab instead of GitHub.
The guide on the wiki will be updated to have more relevant information. For now, give the site a perusal and let us know what you think!
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask furyhunter (on IRC EsperNet #srb2fun or send a PM via the forums).