Super Stardust HD is a great little $10 game that you can get. The game is about a ship whose path is limited to the surface of the atmosphere as he destroys rocks that hit the atmosphere but not go through it. One hit from an asteroid, you lose a life, but you get to continue from where you left off. Plus, experience with Touhou will make this game easier, I promise. I once got just utterly stuck on Nemain. That is, until I played a great deal of Touhou 7. After coming back, I beat the planet right after it without getting a single game over.
Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time is worth your time. Even though every level is essentially linear, the game isn't entirely that way. The Agorian Battleplex was an exercise in truly lengthening the game with little effort, without making it boring. If you've only tried Quest for Booty, be assured that this game is much longer. There are two demos of it on PlayStation Store, both being over two gigabytes in file size.