Given last year's "avatar" announcement, I'll admit I didn't take this seriously until I actually bothered to look at the presentation... however my opinion still remains the same. Regardless of how innovative or how much potential it may have, I'm afraid that it will be hardly utilized effectively, as has been the case with most peripherals across all consoles... I would note that controls like we have on the Wii have been around before but they were in a couple games and then were forgotten.
I do hope SOMEBODY milks this out for all its worth... it sounds too promising a concept to be left by the wayside. However, can't say I entirely trust Microsoft to push technology as much as Sony or innovation as much as Nintendo, so time will tell. I just hope it doesn't end up being little more than a webcam addon to a First-person Shooter.
I also do hope that MS doesn't simply use it as part of their "me-too!" casual push. Because I actually thought this was what it was, I didn't even bother looking into it until I was force-fed the link in IRC.
And I do intend this statement to bear all due respect to Microsoft and fans of the Xbox... I've distanced myself from Microsoft after losing interest in them for quite some time, so I don't truly understand what is going on, nor the psychology or philosophy of its staff the way I might sympathize with Nintendo. Unnecessary disclaimers aside, had I actually bothered to watch the press conference, I might know where Microsoft (not the man behind Project Natal) intends to take the hardware.