I was thinking that if srb2.org used gif images wherever possible, the website would be more interesting; anyone agree?
Moderator Notice:Snipped due to an NSFW image.
Nah, not really.
God dammit why doesn't SRB2 use hi-res for all its sprites-- oh right, they crash when scaled :|
God dammit why doesn't SRB2 use hi-res for all its sprites-- oh right, they crash when scaled :|
Who are you and why did you just step out of a portal from the internet circa 1999?I was thinking that if srb2.org used gif images wherever possible, the website would be more interesting; anyone agree?
Define INTERESTING, please.I was thinking that if srb2.org used gif images wherever possible, the website would be more interesting; anyone agree?
I support this idea fully. It would truly help the people with ADHD to keep attention to the site if there is a lot of different stuff to attract their attention with. I mean okay we'd have a...little...maybe big...load issue but that isn't a problem with modern internet right?
Chaos Knux, I think you misunderstood something.
jcokeinfinity said SRB2.ORG needs "improvements", not MB.SRB2.ORG.
Hate to say it, but I'm not dead, sorry!have i killed that joke yet
good, i needed to get that out of my system