When I was playing with my friends, I got atomatically banned from my own server. Wierd, I never used the console in lava reef act 1
Sonic Shadow said:There is a hacker on the loose in the MS,
there really IS a hacker on the loose, by the name of sokudo. Armonte is a witness.The Dark Fox said:If you guys get "hacked", stay calm and think about the options before you yell at us.
I know Ash ( I think) told me.R.U.B.I.K. said:there really IS a hacker on the loose, by the name of sokudo.The Dark Fox said:If you guys get "hacked", stay calm and think about the options before you yell at us.
That makes Armonte an accomplace...Mega_Hyper_Shadow said:Armonte told me not to tell anyone. But after I apoligized to Armonte, she said that her friend said sorry for hacking my server!
Just a question, are they doing it with a exe made from an edited version of the source code, if so when 1.10.01 if released (if i got it right) why not make it so you have to download it from here rather than it come with it.Furyhunter said:We've known about this hacker for the longest time and there's a fix to the problem that you guys continue to neglect, known as 1.09.4a. Get it and stop whining.
EDIT: Okay, so apparently I'm the idiot and I'm thinking of a totally different exploit. Topic unlocked.
Also, stop listening to Armonte. He's been spreading garbage around for a while now.
Well that sums my knowledge up now can we let this dieCue said:have no knowledge of the SVN... >_>