Post your pics/art here!

Well i almost DIDN'T see it because it was the last post on the page, but that's definitely not mediocre art right there. :)

I don't mean it as an insult, ThunderNova, but sometimes people just don't have a skill for something. I can't blame you for knowing that your art is mediocre. There's many people I've wanted to say this to as well, but other people would probably call me out for it and tell me to stop being truthful and say only nice things. Whoever bore the slogan "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" (probably paraphrasing by now, but you know the phrase well) didn't know how to be painfully honest.

That's what I've a problem with. Overtly nice people like Paula Abdul. That's why we have average artists all over deviantArt and continue to let Regular Show, Problem Solverz, and Adventure Time clog the prime time hours of the day. Well, that and the diminishing standards of the American audience.

What I'm saying is that you and I know your art is mediocre. Maybe you could develop it into something worthwhile. I don't know. But maybe experimenting in something else might do you well. I'm not saying not to draw, but if you don't have the skill, then maybe you should experiment in another medium. Music, possibly. Find out what you can do and push your ability to do it well. Take that from me to a good number of you. If you're struggling with a pencil, then drawing just might not be for you.

Speaking of other mediums, I never see anyone post music, writing, or any other form of the arts. Anyone care to explain why no one shares this art?
I can be critical and I critique people's art a lot on DA (provided their friends don't randomly insult me for it). I think they came here looking for criticism, but what I'm saying is that their art isn't as bad as they think it is. They have potential, that's what I was getting at.

I mean, look at one of my first attempts at drawing seriously:
[deleted image]
and look at what I can produce after years of practice:
[deleted image]
I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I went from nothing to something, despite your beliefs. And I'm pretty sure you weren't born with the skills you have now either.

Maybe instead of telling people off for not being critical or not having the skills of Leonardo freakin' DaVinci, you could actually criticise the art itself. Also, the fact that you're saying they has no skill but they has potential makes no sense. You either have no skill and no potential, or skill and potential. You can't mix and match those things. It's also TOO harsh to tell someone they have no skill, no matter how much you justify it. Criticism isn't about being mean.

I know you're not being ridiculous on purpose, but you are. Not only does Thunder have skill, but his art gives me a better feel than yours does to be quite honest. Maybe because it's drawn by someone who isn't trying to discourage other artists for absolutely no reason at all.

In short, Thunder can draw really well, and he may not show work of professional-quality yet, but nobody is born a professional in what they do.

Also, we have a seperate thread for music.
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I can be critical and I critique people's art a lot on DA (provided their friends don't randomly insult me for it). I think he came here looking for criticism, but what I'm saying is that his art isn't as bad as he thinks it is. He has potential, that's what I was getting at.

I mean, look at one of my first attempts at drawing seriously:
and look at what I can produce after years of practice:
I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I went from nothing to something, despite your beliefs. And I'm pretty sure you weren't born with the skills you have now either.

Maybe instead of telling people off for not being critical or not having the skills of Leonardo freakin' DaVinci, you could actually criticise the art itself. Also, the fact that you're saying he has no skill but he has potential makes no sense. You either have no skill and no potential, or skill and potential. You can't mix and match those things. It's also TOO harsh to tell someone they have no skill, no matter how much you justify it. Criticism isn't about being mean.

I know you're not being ridiculous on purpose, but you are. Not only does Thunder have skill, but his art gives me a better feel than yours does to be quite honest. Maybe because it's drawn by someone who isn't trying to discourage other artists for absolutely no reason at all.

In short, Thunder can draw really well, and he may not show work of professional-quality yet, but nobody is born a professional in what they do.

When did I ever say that he doesn't have the skill? I said that it may (may is the keyword here) not be his skill. I was saying that as a hypothetical, but you're blowing my hypothetical observations into factual what-I-believe statements of the guy.

And no, I wasn't born with the skill either... but whenever I see someone around my age struggling with the pencil, I can't help but say "try a different hobby, please". I do try to critique some of the most average artists, but it's difficult, because it's so damn hard to talk to people without offending them. I mean, you took my message to Thunder so defensively when I was just trying to give him advice, some of it based off of observation. Drawing is a skill that takes the practice of years. Unless you just can't draw (believe me, some people just cannot draw, stop telling them they can) or don't have the want to push your skill, just find your niche elsewhere.

At the very least, I'm looking for people who could at least draw Dexter's Laboratory. That isn't too hard to draw. But I always find the people who want to draw anime. Always. And not too good anime either. Bad anime, or even at best over the top shiny ugly pieces of work featuring a cool cartoon character in the ugly anime style. I've never been able to stand Bleedman for this exact reason.

And you improved yourself, true. But it's not something I'll be clamoring over anytime soon, nor is RedEnchilada's work. It's the kind of art that tells me that you should try to find a different hobby please. Of course, this kind of thing like amateur fanart is endearing to see on a DVD box case of this one cartoon series that had a major following that was released years after the show was said and done. It's just not amusing to see people strain themselves to try and draw when they just don't have the knack for it and try to go after it as a professional hobby.

I'm sorry for being honest, I'll Begin. Reality's a bitch, but people never want to realize it.
It's the kind of art that tells me that you should try to find a different hobby please.
Something here really offends me, but I can't exactly place what about it gets to me. Maybe it's my inner optimist refusing to accept no for an answer, but finding a hobby is all about passion. I can easily see where you're coming from if one tries to monetize their drawings, but for me personally, drawing is all about expression. If I get a few favorites on dA, or a good word from someone on the Internet, all the better; I couldn't care less, as long as I get some satisfaction out of it.

I'm not going to try to convince myself I'm perfect; I can see the flaws in what I draw. And when I figure out the issue with it, I've gained a bit of experience, to boot! But telling someone to give up because they're not up to your standards seems to come across to me as, and I mean no offense by this, bigotry. Make of that what you will.
Greg if you're saying that you see untalented artists trying to make a profession out of their art, then I can completely understand what you're trying to say.

But, if you're even including those who just want to improve and keep it as a hobby, it's difficult for me to agree with that. Some people won't be naturally talented at any kind of art, and whether or not that can be overcome with dedication and perseverance, I really don't know. But even so, sometimes people still want some kind of a goal, and even if they'll never be amazing, they'll still try their best to improve. I don't think just because you'll never be amazing is a reason to quit a hobby. If their goal isn't to become the next great artist, then they shouldn't need to be.
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Greg if you're saying that you see untalented artists trying to make a profession out of their art, then I can completely understand what you're trying to say.

But, if you're even including those who just want to improve and keep it as a hobby, it's difficult for me to agree with that. Some people won't be naturally talented at any kind of art, and whether or not that can be overcome with dedication and perseverance, I really don't know. But even so, sometimes people still want some kind of a goal, and even if they'll never be amazing, they'll still try their best to improve. I don't think just because you'll never be amazing is a reason to quit a hobby. If their goal isn't to become the next great artist, then they shouldn't need to be.

Yes, I am saying that I'm tired of seeing untalented artists make off with their profession for nothing. I don't mind those who keep it as a hobby, though I can't help but want to tell them to find another hobby. But if a hobby makes one happy, who am I to judge? It's those whose profession is for art but put out poor art that people will buy that bothers me.

Maybe I shouldn't have included this as a message to everyone, even the hobbyists. All I did was get myself in trouble as usual and for what? Hobbyists to get iffy with me. It's a form of expression as I also use my art for, and apparently I stepped on someone's toes and I shrugged it over telling them to suck it up.

I'm just tired of seeing crap and people telling people it's good. I've grown cynical, and sometimes I've wondered if I should have said anything at all. This should be no excuse for my posts, so I'm just going to ignore saying anything on the matter whatsoever regarding the hobbyists, because I honestly don't want to make random people who never did anything to insult me angry. With all this said and done, I hope we'll just move on and post our art as usual.
What I'm saying is that you and I know your art is mediocre. Maybe you could develop it into something worthwhile. I don't know. But maybe experimenting in something else might do you well. I'm not saying not to draw, but if you don't have the skill, then maybe you should experiment in another medium. Music, possibly. Find out what you can do and push your ability to do it well. Take that from me to a good number of you. If you're struggling with a pencil, then drawing just might not be for you.

I see what you're saying, and honestly, I'm glad you were being serious as you were. I'd rather have someone be straight and tell me what my art really is rather than be treated like a little kid that just made his first drawing by getting comments like "Wow, really awesome!". Even though those comments are nice and I like getting them, I'd rather critics be honest.

And yes, I have considered other works, but drawing for me is mainly a way to escape boring life. It gives me something to work on: you can never be perfect at drawing, but you can damn well try. I draw whenever I have nothing good to do, and sometimes they come out better than I expected, sometimes they come out so horrible I want to throw them out and forget about them forever. I know I'm downsizing my art when I call it mediocre, because I draw better than a lot of people, but I see better artists, like yourself, that make me want to try even harder, and maybe get better. Hell, I've entered and succeeded at an art contest before (It was a high school thing; I got the second best prize, the rest is hard to explain), maybe one day I can go even further. For now, I'm still sticking to Computer-aided Drafting, but hey, you never know.
Speaking of other mediums, I never see anyone post music, writing, or any other form of the arts. Anyone care to explain why no one shares this art?

Because all my music currently gets released in the Tortured Planet thread. :p

As for writing, I just never really thought about it. I have a bunch of crazy essays and stories I've written over the past few years.
Yes, I am saying that I'm tired of seeing untalented artists make off with their profession for nothing. I don't mind those who keep it as a hobby, though I can't help but want to tell them to find another hobby. But if a hobby makes one happy, who am I to judge? It's those whose profession is for art but put out poor art that people will buy that bothers me.

Maybe I shouldn't have included this as a message to everyone, even the hobbyists. All I did was get myself in trouble as usual and for what? Hobbyists to get iffy with me. It's a form of expression as I also use my art for, and apparently I stepped on someone's toes and I shrugged it over telling them to suck it up.

I'm just tired of seeing crap and people telling people it's good. I've grown cynical, and sometimes I've wondered if I should have said anything at all. This should be no excuse for my posts, so I'm just going to ignore saying anything on the matter whatsoever regarding the hobbyists, because I honestly don't want to make random people who never did anything to insult me angry. With all this said and done, I hope we'll just move on and post our art as usual.

I agree with thundernova about you stating yourself like you did. It's good to hear strong opinions, even if I don't always agree with them. And you cleared it up to, so there's nothing wrong. Please Don't stop giving your opinion. I'm not upset, and I would hope the others who commented aren't either. I like hearing what you have to say. Sometimes you say some pretty interesting stuff and have gotten me to see things differently than I normally would.
Here's something.
(Figure out what the "T" near my logo means and you win beautiful women)
I think the main issue is that the eye is way too high. I think if you moved it down, at least to where the bottom is even with the top of the muzzle, it would probably look better.
I think the main issue is that the eye is way too high. I think if you moved it down, at least to where the bottom is even with the top of the muzzle, it would probably look better.

Funnily enough, my original sketch had her eye up even higher. Anyways...


So around there-ish? It does look better that way I agree, but now her forehead looks like it's sticking out a bit I think; I might be crazy. That'll probably take more time and effort to fix than moving her eyes a little bit lower, doable though.
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