Polyobject problem

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Act 3 FTW!!
I'm having a problem with polyobjects. First, I copied them from the sample polyobject wad available on the wiki and pasted it into my wad, changed the heights and all, but when I tried to test it, the game crashed! Anyone know why this happens?
Make sure you copied the sector that had Linedef Type 22 in it. Otherwise, you could've just run into a bug. What did it say when it crashed?
All it said was "srb2win.exe has stopped working". You know, one of those undescriptive Windows error dialog boxes.
Yeah, I know. I forgot to say that I already did that(I think). I'll check it next time I work on it. Besides, I've got a better idea for that gap in JFZ1: a maze of bridges(you know, a bunch of bridges at different heights, kinda like Escher's(is that how you spell his name?) maze.
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