Please read this Important news concerning a Deciated Server

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I recently was talking to a good friend of mine who can give us a huge deal on a nice server!
Please read this and tell me what you think!
SSNTails and a441 especialy!
I told him I would give him a answer by the end of the week!

[Kroze Gamegod] 12:06 am: BTW,
Remember me asking you about the
Deciated Server for the Game thing I'm
apart of?
[X] 12:06 am: yeah
[X] 12:07 am: your ping would really suck
but we can give it a try if you would like
[Kroze Gamegod] 12:07 am: How much
would we have to pay you?
[Kroze Gamegod] 12:08 am: Oh wait.. :
[X] 12:08 am: getting redirected to 127.0.
0.1 :S
[X] 12:08 am: ah ok
[Kroze Gamegod] 12:09 am: My bad, I
forgot it was a .org
[X] 12:09 am: sonic robo blast?
[X] 12:09 am: ok so what do you need
really ?
[Kroze Gamegod] 12:10 am: Yeah, we
need a server to host public games on and
Mirror the 1.09 when it comes out
[X] 12:12 am: alright ok
[X] 12:12 am: would 10/10 be ok ?
[Kroze Gamegod] 12:12 am: 10/10?
[Kroze Gamegod] 12:12 am: Whats that?
[X] 12:13 am: 10mbit
[Kroze Gamegod] 12:13 am: Oh, that
would be fine
[X] 12:13 am: or, I can always give you a
full hosting, for a reeeeeaaally low price,
hold on
[Kroze Gamegod] 12:14 am: Thats like T1
[X] 12:14 am: 0.7$/month (not even a
dollar) for a T3 connection, unlimited BW,
and 125mb of space.
[Kroze Gamegod] 12:14 am: That works!
[X] 12:15 am: ok
[Kroze Gamegod] 12:15 am: 7 cents a
[X] 12:15 am: haha
[Kroze Gamegod] 12:15 am: I just need to
talk to everyone else first
[Kroze Gamegod] 12:15 am: But thats a
#$%^&* good price
[X] 12:16 am: alright I also got 500mb
space for almost 2$ month
[X] 12:16 am: a friendly price for u guys :P
[Kroze Gamegod] 12:16 am: Let me talk it
over with my friends.. Thanks man
[Kroze Gamegod] 12:16 am: Your really
saving our arses on this one
[Kroze Gamegod] 12:17 am: I'll be sure to
hook you up with GITS2 asap
[X] 12:17 am: 155Mbit full duplex connec
tion at Tixen aswell
[X] 12:17 am: 99.95% uptime
[Kroze Gamegod] 12:17 am: Wow....
[X] 12:18 am: let me know if you want a
domain for it too, if that would do any
[Kroze Gamegod] 12:18 am: We will get
back to you this week
[X] 12:18 am: like, or something
[X] 12:18 am: alright, lemme know
[Kroze Gamegod] 12:18 am: Thanks,

This is important! Please respond to this post ASAP!!!
Wow, that's a sweet deal. Actually, it's too good to be true. Literally. But I know that if I were in your place, I'd probably wind up turning the offer down, simply 'cause I can't stand spending money on the internet. And I'm a cheap bastard.

Oh, and it's nice to see you somewhere other than mIRC.
Ehh.. I'll believe it when I see it.
If I could have T3 for 7 cents a month, I'd have T five hundred and seventy six...
That is one unbelievable price for a server.

Hope it works out for you. I would multiplayer on a dedicated 24/7 server.
SRB2 is a huge CPU and memory hog, even without the renderer. Find out how much CPU and RAM would be available to it, but if the disk limit is as low as 125 MB, I doubt it'd be enough to work.

Hosting files on the web isn't an issue.
a441 said:
SRB2 is a huge CPU and memory hog, even without the renderer.

Ahh, a441, don't you remember that Alam put CPU Sleep (aka give up CPU timeslice) commands in SRB2, and CPU usage droped about 25% :eek: and that was with the renderer. I'm sure Alam could tune it up some more 8)
a441 said:
Yeah, but 1.099 isn't out yet.

yea, you are right, we have to wait till 1.09 comes out before we can do 1.099
Actually, he said 0.7$ a month. That's 70 cents, isn't it? :roll: That would kinda explain why he laughed at you.
Uh, I think the offer already expired.

No server for you!
Sepwich can host games and server load rarely goes over 20%, but AJ would have to talk to me directly if he wanted to set it up/how he would set it up.
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