Chaos Knux
Daww, a mother and her foal
I am a pathetic loser who cant WAD for beans. can anyone please help me make this simple recolor of Knuckles?
I believe that I already have the S_SKIN
I just dont know how to edit knux.plr's sprites so that they work somewhat properly in this WAD.
Can anyone help me?
I believe that I already have the S_SKIN
name = Chaos_Knux
facename = STKNUXNM
ability = 2
normalspeed = 36
thrustfactor = 5
accelstart = 196
acceleration = 50
spin = 1
startcolor = 12
prefcolor = 12
jumpheight = 100
boxindex = 0
highres = 0
runspeed = 30
runonwater = 1
allowsuper = 1
superspin = 1
supercolor = 1
nojumpspin = 0
superanims = 0
multiability = 1
lightdash = 0
homing = 0
ringslinger = 0
slingitem = 126
spinitem =
thokitem =
actionspd = 60
waterskip = 1
mindash = 1
maxdash = 90
Can anyone help me?