PlayStation Vita released today! (2/22/12)

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Super Chris

That one map maker.
Hey, guys.

The PS Vita was just released today and it has a lot of cool features. It has:
  • Dual Analog Sticks
  • The usual X, Circle, Square, and Triangle Buttons and the plain ol' D-Pad
  • A touch screen
  • A rear touch pad
  • A new home button
  • A inward and outward facing camera
Early PlayStation Vita adopters got the system with a copy of Little Deviants. Just today, the system was released with Netflix that you can download via PlayStation Store and you can now play cross-over games on it. (There are two as of right now.) You can even play PSP games without the UMDs (You have to purchase them though.), you can also download apps (Netflix mentioned) for the PSP and the PS Vita.


I give this system 10/10 stars. It's the best system I have ever played. (At least I got a copy of Little Deviants) Also, there are more games being developed for the system.

I like the new menu because all you use is your finger. (This no longer supports the XMB that the PSP had) I also liked that they fixed the D-Pad in the PS Vita on the old PSP; if a liquid of any kind seeps into the D-Pad, the PSP becomes uncontrollable for a few days. I like the right analog stick because you can make it act like the buttons if you're playing PSP games.

I like the 3G version of the Vita because you can make phone calls (Feature coming soon) on it. You can even use Facebook, Skype, Twitter on it. It makes it good as possible.
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This sounds like really blatant viral advertizing. And given that I hear that the PS Vita has been doing worse and worse in Japan since its release, plus the UMV to Vita converter not coming stateside ever, I can't help but think this'll just be a repeat of the PSP; a powerful system with only a few games worth it and being greatly out-shadowed by Nintendo in a matter of months.
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But all you do is highlight product features... including features that don't even work. "I like the 3G version of the Vita because you can make phone calls (Feature coming soon) on it"? How can you like it if you've never tested the feature to even verify if it functions adequately? And did I really need to be told that it has the same buttons that have existed on every Playstation device that's ever existed? Do you really consider me that braindead that I needed to be reminded? Oh, and Netflix, because that doesn't already exist on the Wii, the 360, the PS3, the 3DS, the iPhone, Android devices, personal computers, my friggin' HDTV... Totally gonna sell me a system with that.

Also, this is the best system you've ever played, you say based on one game which, according to Metacritic, is hardly a system-seller. This doesn't scream biased at all, no. It'd have been more believable if you'd cited something like Uncharted, but really, almost no system is worth buying for one game alone.

Really, if this were a review, you'd be objectively looking at everything the system does, good and bad - because believe me, no console has done everything perfectly. You don't. You prattle off the spec sheet (and not even a fully-featured one - not one mention of the high-res OLED screen?) and say "and that is why this is the best console of ALL TIME".

Regardless, my mind's been made up on the Vita for a while. It's a good console with plenty of features... that I will not be buying on the grounds that I bought its predecessor and never used it. The PSP-2000 wasn't a bad console, either, but if I didn't play that, then I'm not going to burn $250+ on its immediate successor, am I?
Hey, guys.

The PS Vita was just released today and it has a lot of cool features. It has:
  • Dual Analog Sticks
  • The usual X, Circle, Square, and Triangle Buttons and the plain ol' D-Pad
  • A touch screen
  • A rear touch pad
  • A new home button
  • A inward and outward facing camera
Early PlayStation Vita adopters got the system with a copy of Little Deviants. Just today, the system was released with Netflix that you can download via PlayStation Store and you can now play cross-over games on it. (There are two as of right now.) You can even play PSP games without the UMDs (You have to purchase them though.), you can also download apps (Netflix mentioned) for the PSP and the PS Vita.


I give this system 10/10 stars. It's the best system I have ever played. (At least I got a copy of Little Deviants) Also, there are more games being developed for the system.

I like the new menu because all you use is your finger. (This no longer supports the XMB that the PSP had) I also liked that they fixed the D-Pad in the PS Vita on the old PSP; if a liquid of any kind seeps into the D-Pad, the PSP becomes uncontrollable for a few days. I like the right analog stick because you can make it act like the buttons if you're playing PSP games.

I like the 3G version of the Vita because you can make phone calls (Feature coming soon) on it. You can even use Facebook, Skype, Twitter on it. It makes it good as possible.

Why does this read like an obvious advertising shill?

Maybe instead of telling the features, maybe tell more of your thoughts on the product...? Isn't what all the video game topics are about? Separate thoughts and opinions that everyone can agree to? Maybe he should edit the topic to only have his personal thoughts and little facts on what it can do.
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PSP with no UMD support = not a console I'd buy even if it actually was good.

Seriously, having a console where you can only buy games through internet and not through a regular VG store is just an awful gimmick.

I'm gonna say this here, and I'll continue to say it for ever and ever until Sony gets it right: Buying games through the network should be only an option. There are many people that can't get wireless connection and not letting them buy or use games through cartridges or disks is simply unfair.
This isn't the PSP Go. Most all the big-name games will have physical copies you can pick up from retail locations.

However, you can't use UMDs on it for PSP games - those you have to rebuy digitally. (Boo.)
Yeah, like they'd repeat the mistake of the PSP Go again.

... ignore the Playstation Suite behind the curtain.

Honestly, if the Vita's gonna be a repeat of the PSP I'm probably give this one a miss too, because most of the PSP's few killer apps for me are on other systems, and so far the Vita's the same for me. I do think it has great potential, but then so did the PSP
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Well it seems like they're doing the same mistake; I didn't find in the console's trailer a hole or something that you could open to put in a game.

Feel free to tell me me where it is, cause I didn't find it.
Well, my dad ended up getting one as a gift for me. From what I've seen, Uncharted: Golden Abyss uses the new control schemes in pretty creative ways, like the draw your path to climb mechanic. What I DON'T like is how the system doesn't allow you to use the analog sticks and buttons on the menu, because there are times where I found myself not wanting to use the screen. Onward, Little Deviants is a nice little tech demo but as a game in it's whole, the only good job it does is with presenting the system's new control mechanics. I played UMVC3 as well, and it's pretty cool too. The models look a little rough, but ftmp it looks and plays great. I haven't gotten to the other games yet, but from what I've seen, the system has plenty of potential.
Honestly I think PSV may be able to beat 3DS. PSV has much MUCH better launch (in fact I can think of only 3 games I would get for 3DS so far). It also doesn't have not working 3D which makes it hard for developers to create games for 3DS (well at least for me it doesn't work - I've just got terrible headache instead of seeing 3D)
The 3D for the 3DS works. If you can't see it, that's on you, not on the 3DS. (Not an insult, mind - depending on who you ask, 2-12% or so of the US population genuinely can't see 3D, period.) If you can see the effect, though, then I'll note the headaches generally go away after a few days of use.
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