Platforms not coming out right

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You know how to make control sectors, right? Well, make one of those. Give a different tag number to the sector you want the FOF to be in. Use that number, along with linefef action 25 on the control sector's linedef to create a FOF over that area.

The ceiling and floor heights of the control sector control the top and bottom heights of the FOF.
Simple enough I guess, next question: Death pits. When I tried to make one on my own Sonic died as soon as he went into the sector and he was not touching the ground, any suggestions?
Did you make it a death pit sector type? If you have it set to instant death, simply change it to death pit.
Thanks Torgo I did have instant kills. This is a bump but I have another question: How do I unlink checkpoint sectors?
Ok most of my checkpoints worked fine except for one, it has the same tag as the sector its in, but it still links to the first checkpoint you pass.
Well, you don't even need an activate sector. If you just put it alone, and set each one with different flags, it'll still work.
Thats good to know. This leads me to my next question: How do I erease linedefs, sectors etc? I don't mean using the undo button either.
That couldn't be more obvious >.>

Next question: How would I make water flow like a river? A wiki link would work fine too.
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