Parents just don't understand gaming...

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Ritz said:
Are you kidding? It's the obscure games like this that really draw pedophile attention. I've been using SRB2 to abduct children for years now. It's worth noting that I've yet to find one kid whose parents were willing to pay the ransom fee.

You are crazy man. Really crazy. I thought things on srb2 were safe. But I was wrong. You ought to be caught by the admins for doing that.
I usually go on computer but normally i get bored, do some digging then get myself frustrated with constructing my home-made ocarina (off topic, i hate you, you stupid whistle hole!) but when I'm on the computer lots and i mean lots my parents do complain... but i guess it's for the better since i do get headaches easily.
Some parents don't understand. When I just get on the computer they run me off of it in like 2 seconds and when I'm not on it they yell in the house telling me to get off the computer when I'm watching TV or playing my Wii (or my sister's Xbox and my uncle's PS3). I got my mom to play the game though. I didn't want her to play something she didn't know how to play or a game I can win in, so we played SA2B Chao Race and Battle. I let her get the powerful chao while I got the ones close to there power. She started playing a few of my games after that. I just can't believe she beat me on Mario Strikers when I'm better than anyone on that game (except my friend. I still gotta get my title back).
Well if you get your mom to play a game she is not so stubborn about it.
I did and she at lest gives me 6 min extra on most games. :)

(unless it is something important or dinner)

My dad dose not care. Only if we go drive ATVs or something.
WAD master said:
Now I can see in 20 X 20 vision.

Lucky, I have a bit worse but not much. Looking at the computer made my eyesite worse though. I'm just near sited.

Ok back on topic.

My dad will play Mario Cart Double Dash with me, he used to beat me all the time, but now I beat him because he hasn't played for awhile.
20 years from now, everyone in this topic will remember this kind of talk and laugh in a "Damn, those were the days" kind of deal.

And they'll sigh when they have to tell their kids to get the hell off the PC before they starve to death. Meanwhile, they're too busy holding down 9 to 5 jobs of their own and taking care of families to be able to ignore all outside influences when they want to play something.
Arrow said:
20 years from now, everyone in this topic will remember this kind of talk and laugh in a "Damn, those were the days" kind of deal.

And they'll sigh when they have to tell their kids to get the hell off the PC before they starve to death. Meanwhile, they're too busy holding down 9 to 5 jobs of their own and taking care of families to be able to ignore all outside influences when they want to play something.

You got it dead on.
Ok ,.... my parents don't play video games , but they never ask me to come off right in the middle ,unless I choose to. If I'm playing a game like..o say...paper mario...I'll say something like, lemmie save first or something.. but my parents never just kick my off my gamecube my bro does that :evil: .. XP but the computer is a different story :roll: ! In other words, my parents are'nt mean when it comes to games. THEY ACTUALLY DO UNDERSTAND! XD
Ok. Since I'm Jorros brother, I'll try to re-phrase what he was trying to say.

Pretty much, if you want to get your parents to play video games, find one that they actually enjoy. For Jorros, and I, We got our parents playing by playing the first few games we got. Spyro the dragon, crash bash, and a few more. Not a lot, but they're more fun to play than new games. They really like them, and also one more reason not a lot of parents play video games, is because they don't have the time. They have to work, and sometimes, they want to rest. That's fine. Just wait for them to wake up. Really it's not that hard to find games that parents like.

Also Jorros. Use sentences.
My parents

All I have to do is say I'm playing Ragnarok Online. And since you can't leave the pets alone, I NEVER HAVE TO LEAVE MY ROOM. :lol: I'm the luckiest of all of you. On occasion, I ask if I can invite my sister.
She refuses. However, My brother wants to join me. I REFUSE. You just gotta know how to do that stuff.
I hate it, just HATE it, when you get a game but it end's out being a cliff-hanger and then when the second part comes out, my parent's will say when I ask to go get it, "You can wait a little longer." And by that, she mean's 5 month's. (OH Halo 2 why did you have to be a cliff-hanger? Why?)

Edit: Just recently I noticed when ever i'm about to do somthing on an Srb2 netgame (Such as join one or become it in a tag game.) my parent's tell me to log off.
True dat

My mom wouldn't let me sell my games until the next day because she didn't "understand how that works"
Ha my parents never tell me to go off, why? because I have my own computer but if my parents tell me to go Ill just go on the computer on my wii. :P
Thank God I have my own room so I can just play my games anytime without my parents ,escpeacily on my CPU.
Allot of us have our own PC's, so it's not to surprising... I have my own, so dose my brother, my sister has her own too. My mom has gone through 2 of them, and my dad has gone through 2 also. Same with me, just because it kept crashing... I also built my computer...
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