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Paper Mario for SRB2??

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Randomly made this sprite. Any moveset ideas??
I have some move set ideas: being able to flip himself to make him flat, hammer ( but not in air), throwing a bomb ( to a certain limit, he can run out of them but can get more bombs by killing enemies), and maybe lullaby? ( from the original Paper Mario)
2.1 Paper Bros
I looked at 2.1 Paper Bros, and he doesn't seem very based in Paper Mario, more so somewhat basic Mario ideas. It's still a cool mod tho.
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I have some move set ideas: being able to flip himself to make him flat, hammer ( but not in air), throwing a bomb ( to a certain limit, he can run out of them but can get more bombs by killing enemies), and maybe lullaby? ( from the original Paper Mario)
Like your ideas! I was thinking that Spin would be the Spin Dash from Paper Mario 64, one of the custom buttons would be hammer, then I'd go from there.
Maybe throw in some of the Partners into the moveset?
EX 1: Have him summon either Bobbery or Bombette (maybe even have it be one or the other at random) to blow up breakable walls/destroy spikes.
EX 2: Have him summon Parakarry after pressing Jump twice to allow him to cross gaps easier/help save himself from undershot jumps.
EX 3: Have him summon either Kooper or Koops (maybe even have it be one or the other at random) as a ranged attack where he stomps on them to turn em into Shell. (This attack would not run any risk of recoil damage.)
EX 4: Have him summon either Bow or Vivian (maybe even have it be one or the other at random) to allow him to temporarily gain invulnerability by having them turn him ghost-like for a couple of seconds. (This could be used to help him against bosses or dealing with somewhat annoying enemies like the Robo-Hoods, Lance-A-Bots, etc.)
One idea I've had for a character for a very long time is one that can get into RPG fights with the enemies.
How would that work? No clue. It's just been in the back of my head for a while.

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